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Messages - gojj

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DFRPG / Re: Potential Power
« on: July 30, 2011, 12:56:08 AM »
I'd handle all of the horse's actions with maneuvers. If I wanted to trample someone I'd Roll Survival against their Athletics, if I win they get "getting charged by a horse" or something. If someone tried to shoot it out from under me, they'd roll Guns against my Survival, if they win I'd get a "horse shot out from under me" aspect. It's not perfect but I think it's a whole lot simpler then giving the horse stats. And I think I've figured out a more specific wording (I have yet to actually figure out a name for the horse):

-1: Summon Autumn's Horse: The first or second (up to GM) turn I'd get an "Astride Autumn's Horse" aspect and I'd roll Survival instead of Athletics for sprinting.

Some other things in addition I was thinking of (but these may make this too strong for a one point power, I'd pick one more from the following:
-The aspect "Astride Autumn's Horse" comes with one free tag
-I get to modify my Athletics (Dodging) with survival due to the fact that I'm now harder to hit
-I can move 1-zone without out taking a penalty (like Casual Movement from Inhuman Speed)

I know this power will be stronger than a stunt, but not much. My goal is something close to the power of Cloak of Shadows.

DFRPG / Potential Power
« on: July 29, 2011, 11:00:55 PM »
I was thinking about giving my Autumn Knight (who was a rancher before his knighthood) a power to "summon" a horse no matter where he was. It will tie in his previous occupation as a rancher well I think. The horse isn't going to have stats or anything so it's not a summoning spell per-say,I'm thinking more along the lines of how Gandalf summons Shadowfax in LOTR. Something like the second or third turn after I call the horse appears. Firstly, do you think this is possible? And secondly, do you think this will be a -1 spell? The only real benefit will be increased movement via the switch from Athletics to Survival as the movement skill. The reason that this will be a spell is because the horse will be unique like Shadowfax, so it's not like I'm just whistling loudly hoping for the nearest horse to hear and come running.

DFRPG / Re: Adding Players after initial character/city creation?
« on: July 29, 2011, 01:19:44 AM »
And if all else fails have your new characters just happen to be in town (let them justify it themselves; following someone, running from someone, chance, etc.) and then the events of the first game they are in will compel them to stay for some reason.

DFRPG / Re: Banking Character Gen Skill Points?
« on: July 29, 2011, 01:11:20 AM »
My advice Mr. Ways is that if your group thinks that it is fair, go ahead and just bank the skill points. There aren't going to be any Dresden police that smash through your windows because you tweaked the rules.

DFRPG / Re: Werespider
« on: July 29, 2011, 01:02:42 AM »
I wouldn't make webbing part of Echoes of the Beast, I'd just make it it's own power, the suggestion about an offshoot of a breath weapon sounded good to me. My reasoning is this,  Echoes gives you slightly heightened senses in one specific area and adds one trapping (or add 1 to an existing trapping) and webbing sounds more like a power than a trapping too me. I'd advise something along the lines of: +1 to alertness (Avoiding Surprise) due to spiders being able to sense air movements on their hairs, and +1 to athletics (Climbing). I like the idea of Spiderweb, but I just don't see Echoes of the Beast as the proper place to put it.

Your enhanced grapple would come from tagging the aspect "All tied up" or similar from your webbing power.

Righto, I only thought that it may change because part of Seelie and Unseelie's cost is due to the fact that they lower the toughness of the opposing court, and part of the reason Soulfire is 5 refresh is that it downgrades the toughness of any supernatural creature. I thought that since Autumn's perk will be much rarer (from a game standpoint) it may get a perk somewhere else.

DFRPG / Re: Adding Players after initial character/city creation?
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:34:34 PM »
The group I play with is the personification of this problem. We have lots of people who like playing, but only about 4-5 are at a season at any one time and every once in awhile someone comes up with a new character. How we handle this is by having several subplots (based on who is playing) and then tie them all together at the end in some epic battle. If all six of you are planning on playing together, then just make up some story that includes them. If Dresden has taught me anything it's that everyone needs to be flexible and occasionally have to suspend their disbelief. As I assume you're the GM and that you at least have ideas about how the original three will be incorporated into the plot, just make something up including the other two. Hope this helps.

Sorry for jumping around but I'm conflicted on the cost of the Autumn Magic, at first I made it -4 and it downgrades Spring Court toughness by one level, just like Seelie and Unseelie magic, but it seems kind of lame to me as there are very few (if any) members of the Spring Court left.

I first thought I would make it a -3 power, but it's much stronger than either Evocation or Thaumaturgy (even despite the fact that I'm beholden to a lord) so that wouldn't work. Then I thought of giving it an extra focus Item Slot, but that seemed too powerful as well. Any suggestions or should I just leave it as is?

DFRPG / Re: Banking Character Gen Skill Points?
« on: July 28, 2011, 01:57:30 AM »
Let me turn this around on you: Find a rule that says at char-gen that you don't have to spend all your points. Find an example that's not a mathematical error where some character built using the char-gen rules does not spend all their points. Find a rule the says you may do so explicitly.
When they say banking points, they mean something different than what you're saying. You are talking about having points that are not spent. They aren't.

Your Story page 69: "That’s it. You’re free to fill in more details as you see fit, but that’s all you need to start playing. All the other decisions that you normally make during character creation can be done during play, revealing details about the character through the emerging story." It states clearly that you can begin play with only a skeleton of a character, I see no reason that you should be required to spend all of your points. I see no reason to hold off your points, not using them is just a waste in my opinion, but if there is some story reason for your character wanting or needing to hold off on skill points, go ahead. It's not a game breaker by any means in my opinion.

DFRPG / A question about wording of stunts
« on: July 27, 2011, 10:24:46 PM »
I feel the best way for me to ask this question is by giving an example. In Your Story there is a stunt called Make-up Artist:
Make-Up Artist: Given enough time, you can
create very convincing disguises, ones that will
hold up to deeper inspection (although not to
careful scrutiny and magic). Any attempt using
Investigation or Alertness to see through your
disguise is at an additional +2 difficulty.

Is the reason it doesn't simply say "+2 to your Disguise trapping" because magic can be used to see through the disguise without using Investigation or Alertness?

DFRPG / Re: Question about evocation maneuver
« on: July 27, 2011, 10:13:28 PM »
On another note: "on fire" is definitely not a consequence, unless you are suggesting, that the target remains on fire for a session or two.

I wasn't suggesting the person would be on fire the whole time he has the consequence. For example say Ron the Wizard got slashed up by a Red Court and got the Consequence "Excessive bleeding", he could get bandaged up and within the hour and stop bleeding, but the consequence would remain till the next scene because of other unsaid things that went along with the bleeding: fatigue, light headed, sore, etc. So the person on fire may be put out quickly, but the burnt flesh and the like would remain. I'm not trying to nitpick or start an argument over technicalities, just restating my point to hopefully clarify. However I will concede that rewording the consequence would make it clearer.

DFRPG / Re: Crafting and the Focused Practitioner
« on: July 27, 2011, 10:01:50 PM »
Don't forget about stunts in terms of powering up potions (not sure about crafting other stuff). Maybe your character was a high school chemistry teacher so he/she's very familiar with mixing chemicals or may have access to an enhanced workspace.

DFRPG / Re: Question about evocation maneuver
« on: July 27, 2011, 09:06:32 PM »
1) If you shoot something at him he would defend with Athletics (unless a stunt says otherwise), but if you are doing some weird pyrokinesis thing then your opponent would defend with Discipline. Others may disagree but that's my take on it.

2) Well in my opinion "On fire" is more of a consequence. You could set his sleeve or pant leg on fire to create the "singed" temporary aspect on him, or again if you're doing some odd mental attack thing then your opponent could just think he's on fire. I would agree that just "On fire" doesn't make much sense for a maneuver, however this makes sense to me. I think fire is "supposed" to be more about straightforward blasting then about finesse, so it would take a craft mage to through maneuver's around with it. another possibility is to shoot a fire bolt not to harm the enemy, but to put him off balance, or flush him out of cover.

I'm on board with Summer/Winter being matriarchal while Spring/Fall are patriarchal, but (game play wise) I don't think it's fair to tell a player "Nope, your Knight has to be Male/Female", it might sound good in story and lore, but I don't like how the practical application might affect players.

DFRPG / Re: Body armor
« on: July 27, 2011, 07:28:30 PM »
Or "Highly Conductive"
or "stiflingly hot"
or "damn it's itchy in this thing"...

Or heck, just make it "How the hell did he get that?!"

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