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Messages - dspringer1

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DF Spoilers / Re: How would a new mantle be created
« on: October 23, 2017, 06:55:09 PM »
I would say there are no new Mantles, just old ones renamed. Or old Mantles rediscovered. Lying dormant waiting for a proper bearer.

Santa is a mantle - and the concept of Santa Claus has only been around for a few hundred years.   The Fey (and thus the mantle of Winter Lady) have only been around for maybe a thousand years. 

At the very least, this argues that mantles can be transformed, if not created from new.   

DF Spoilers / How would a new mantle be created
« on: October 19, 2017, 10:13:07 PM »
It is a given that new mantles can be created.   this is proved by the fact that we have Santa  Clause - a clearly recent invention - as a mantle held by Odin. 

What might such a new mantle look like.   I can speculate on some aspects
1) Mantles are tied to belief in some way   That is why so many mantles are tied to old gods.    Belief is also tied into the power of the Fey as evidenced by Mab's encouragement of the brothers grim fairy tales.   Belief is also tied into the ability to manifest into this world - as evidenced by the Oblivion war sidebars that show up in short stories.     However, many examples of mantles continuing after belief has waned, so not clear how important belief is in maintaining the power of a mantle. 

2) Mantles represent people -- the are personifications of a belief.   A mantle is not "gift giving", it is Santa Claus. 

3) Mantles require volume.   Lots of people have to believe for a sizable block of time.   There is no direct evidence of this, but it is logical.  The world is not buried in Mantles after all, so there must be a hard threshold that must be met. 

4) I wonder if a mantle can be deliberately created -- for example by a Norse god wanting to shelter some of his waning god-power.  He might break off a piece and "empower" a mantle for something meaningful in this new age - like Santa Claus.  That act might be required or it might simply speed the process up. 

Speculation on possible modern mantles
*  I think I can rule out super heroes, movie characters, or similar creations of pop culture.  People simply do not believe they are real. 

*  I think I can also rule out most conspiracy theories where belief is widespread and intense from the mantle creation possibility because they typically describe vague hidden forces rather than specific individuals. 

*  You might get a religious figure (the pope, etc), but these are not normally seen as "more than human" in that sense at least. 

*  You could have the "hidden special person" type mantle.  The mysterious figure in hiding from the modern world.   This could be the Dali Lama, Elvis, or Marylyn Monroe.   All it takes is a lot of people believing "they are still out there in hiding".    But you have the same problem as with the Pope.   Simply because they are hiding does not make them a figure of great and mysterious power -- which is what mantles provide. 

*  I could see "Murphy" as a mantle that is created.   Murphy as in Muprhy's Law, not Karin Murphy :).  Many people believe and it is a personification of somewhat great and mysterious power. 

Other ideas?

And before anyone mentions it, i will acknowledge that it is possible that the total "pool of power" available to mantles could be fixed.   New mantles could simple be some portion of some old obsolete mantle refashioned into a new mantle.  After all, there are almost certainly mantles so old that they have lost meaning (and thus potentially vanished...).  However, for purposes of this question it does not matter if mantles are created new - or out of the "dust" of old obsolete mantles.   The key point is that "new" mantles can exist. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: October 17, 2017, 11:01:15 PM »
It has been a long time since a new book.  Interest wanes in that situation.  Short stories are simply too short to give a big boost to interest. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror Knights of the Cross
« on: October 11, 2017, 01:54:16 PM »
The idea of Marcone being redeemed is interesting.  I just do not see it occurring in Mirror Mirror.  If it occurs, it will be in the core universe. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror Knights of the Cross
« on: October 10, 2017, 04:41:08 PM »
I just do not see Marcone being a knight.  He may play a critical role, but part of who Marcone is -- is a crime boss.  I cannot image a crime boss being a knight of the cross. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Fellowship and Formor
« on: October 10, 2017, 04:36:21 PM »
Agree with you.  They can certainly see Paraneters as the target of some group and all the pieces are in place for that determination. 

My point was that all that criteria would have to be in place if the FBI (for example) would consider Paraneters a terrorist organization or secret society.   It is the difference between seeing Paraneters as victims vs seeing them as players. 

DF Spoilers / Mirror Mirror Knights of the Cross
« on: October 10, 2017, 03:06:30 PM »
Ok Uriel saw to it that Harry had possession of one of the Swords at the end of Death Masks and another at the end of Small Favor.  However, the Harry in the Mirror Mirror world was already on a darker path at this time.  Would Uriel have seen this and NOT given Harry the swords?   

If so, then there could very well be three knights of the sword in the Mirror Mirror world.   Presumably Sanya is one.  The others might be new characters.  I do not see Butters getting there without Harry's encouragement and I do not see Karin being a knight while dealing with the emotions of Harry going dark.    Anybody else as an obvious candidate?   I kinda like Georgia as a candidate as she is somewhat of an underutilized character and a genuinely good person.     

PS:   My own believe is that dark harry believes he is doing the right thing through dark means.  As such, he would avoid his former allies as he would not want to hurt them.   Harry is LOYAL to his friends.   This means that there is a good chance that Harry's friends are going to be still around in the mirror mirror world.   Not really friends anymore to the dark harry, but around.   

My guess is that Dark Harry is now sufficiently dark that he would kill his old friends if they got in the way, but enough remains that he still "tries" to avoid situations where they would be in the way.  But Harry's old friends are probably under no illusions about how dark "dark harry" has become. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Who if anyone will Harry save in Mirror Mirror
« on: October 10, 2017, 02:55:08 PM »
If your question is "of the people who died in the main story line, would any of them be alive in Mirror Mirror universe?", then I suggest
*  Morgan
*  Uncrippled Michael  (although I see this as very unlikely)
*  Kirby (one of the Alphas)
*  Maeve
*  Lilly

However, I think it is far more likely that "our" Harry will find some of his friends dead in the mirror mirror world.  Candidates include Butters, Billy/Georgia, and Rawlings.     

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Harry Learn
« on: October 10, 2017, 02:47:49 PM »
What is the odds that Harry picks up a ghost companion, if only for a single book.  I think Ghost Story established that ghosts are not the normal.  Most people "move on" when they die.  So I am not expecting a ghost of Susan or MacFin to be following Harry.    But occasionally ghosts do form.  I am expecting Harry to be "hired" by a ghost at some point :)

DF Spoilers / What will Harry Learn
« on: October 09, 2017, 09:25:51 PM »
One of the patterns in the book is that Harry learns.   
*  When Harry got an apprentice, you started to see a clear impact in his spellcraft 2-3 books later.
*  When Harry got the winter knight gig, you started to see a clear impact in his spellcraft 3-4 books later (ghost story delayed things...)
*  Harry learned some things from the coin (shielding his mind for example, pain blocking)
*  Harry learned some from turn coat (mind fighting...)

But there are a couple of major events that have not really lead to any significant learning.   
*  Harry operated as a ghost for a while in ghost story
*  Harry bonded with Demonreach. 

Harry certainly learned how to operate Demonreach, but he has not applied anything he learned from Demonreach to his own personal magical or personal development.   Ditto with the time as a ghost.  No significant change in Harry's magic came from that experience - YET.

Some possibilities
1) Demonreach should have taught Harry a lot about crafting shields and wards -- or about the nature of immortal beings
2) Ghost Story should have taught Harry a lot about ghosts, spirits and how to work with the same.    He should also have more insight on possession --- and insight into the powers of illusion that he learned from Molly at this time.   

DF Spoilers / Re: The curse on MacFinn
« on: October 09, 2017, 09:14:44 PM »
I think the key point is that MacFinn had a child with Tara West.  After all, they did a little nookie in the book and that could have been the moment.  Or it could have been any somewhat earlier moment in the last month.  I suspect Tara would have know if pregnant longer than that.

The other explanations could be true, but the above one is by far the easiest.   

I do not believe we have seen that child yet in the series.  My personal feeling is that it will be a girl, not a boy.  But that is just because Dresden bonds more closely with female characters, especially in the sense of his protective impulses.   I am certain we will see that child at some point.   

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Ascher telling the truth?
« on: October 09, 2017, 09:08:07 PM »
I would argue that she is telling the truth.   After all, it is the fuel for her rage as demonstrated at the last fight.   You cannot get made like that over a lie you are telling your enemies. 

The other argument is story wise.  A strong theme in this series is that the white council is failing.   Not able to identify and protect young wizards is just another sign of this.  Not being able to identify when one was wronged and fix with justice is another.   Ascher is a poster child for the white council's failures. 

Having it all be lies adds nothing to the story and steals away drama.  So it must be the truth. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Harry have awoken something in Changes?
« on: October 09, 2017, 08:53:02 PM »
That bloodline curse going off must have been like an earthquake on a supernatural scale.  Do you think that something (Old God?) that may have been locked up, trapped, slumbering could have been awoken, or it's cell weakened by the equivalent of a magical nuke going off?

Interesting thought.  I like it.   Even if all it did was create ripples in the magical either, it disturbed a lot of powers and made a number of them take notice of events where otherwise they were not paying attention.  That will have consequences.

The other possibility is that something important was weakened or damaged by the ripples of this magic.  Some vital protection compromised.   Some vital alarm turned off.  Some beacon to allow something very dark to find this world.   Fun stuff. :)

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Harry have awoken something in Changes?
« on: October 09, 2017, 08:50:09 PM »
The Fomor were definitely more active after Changes as a direct result of the Red Court's extinction. But whether they had actually been asleep before or just kept in check by the Red Court is probably just a technicality at this point.

Why not both.   There are a lot of agendas out there that are both aligned and in conflict.   The reds and the formor are not some minions of the black council and/or outsiders.  They are allies - or dupes - or manipulated - or victims - or ... well you get the picture.    But the key point is that each of these supernatural races are acting against the White Council because they see advantage in doing so.   Advantage specific to their personal position (of the leaders), and their nation/species.   

It is perfectly possible that the Formor are both helping the Reds and coveting the Red's territory at the same time.  And it is perfectly possible that the Formor have "jumped the gun" from the outsider's perspective by trying to claim so much territory right now and stirring up the supernatural world before the outsiders are ready to support their efforts.   Or maybe they are very closely aligned with outsider objectives.  I am not sure myself.   

One of the real nice elements of the Dresden series is that this is not a conflict of monoliths.   The Red Court fell in part because of internal feuding.   The White Court refused to support the war against the White Council due to their internal feuding.   The White Council's response to the war was inconsistent/hesitant because of their internal feuding.  The Summer and Winter Courts are not working closely together despite both  playing a vital role in protecting the outer gates.   This disunity at times helps and at times hurts the cause of humanity.  But it always makes for more interesting stories. 

The whole "game" of the outsiders is focused on manipulating the various supernatural nations into fighting - and distracting - each other, helped by a dose of nemfection to manipulate a few key players.   None of these groups would believe they are doing the bidding of outsiders.  I doubt even the black council believes that.   

DF Spoilers / Re: Wizard strength level
« on: October 06, 2017, 08:56:12 PM »
3 is an opinion bordering on a falsity. We KNOW MW is a multidimensional cosmic powerhouse and considering all of the NN is afraid of her shears, so MW isn't an average on the god scale.

Sure Mother Winter is a cosmic powerhouse.   But that does not tell us anything about the other gods.  They might also be cosmic powerhouses too.

Evidence:   Many indications in the books
*  Hades refers to Lady/queen/Mother as Hecate - which is a fellow goddess of the Olympian pantheon.  In that panethon,, Hades was considered far more powerful.   And there are many gods and many pantheons.
*  Many references to gods as beings that touch many worlds.  Some very powerful gods might only very lightly (or not at all) touch the Dresden world.  That this the whole point of the Oblivion war - to prevent bad gods from touching our world.   If they barely touch our world, then the effective power they can apply in our world must be a lot smaller.  That does not mean the god or goddess is (overall) weaker. 
*  No evidence at all that Mother Winter is more powerful than major gods - unless you argue that the lords of outer night were gods.  There is clearly evidence of lesser godlike beings like Odin (who accepted growing weaker for more ability to influence the mortal world), lords of outer night, Earlking, etc.  But none of these claimed to be a major god. 

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