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Messages - ironpoet

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DFRPG / Re: Benefit to Overshooting a Control Roll?
« on: October 27, 2010, 07:13:54 PM »
I really am ok with that, but I just want to verify that there is absolutely no point whatsoever to have anything less than the highest possible Conviction as a spellcaster, since it is all that governs what you are capable of.

Conviction is certainly important, but I would say Discipline is equally important for a spellcaster.

- A Wizard with Average (+1) Conviction and Superb (+5) Discipline could cast a Weapon:1 Attack that was guaranteed to avoid fallout, with an average attack rating of Superb (+5)
- A Wizard with Superb (+5) Conviction and Average (+1) Discipline could cast a Weapon:1 Attack that had a 50% chance of fallout, with an average attack rating of Average (+1)

Those are extreme examples, obviously, but hopefully it illustrates a point.  Having a high Conviction is useless if you can't reliably control that much power.

DFRPG / Re: Delayed-activation spell/ enchanted tattoo
« on: October 25, 2010, 05:56:36 PM »
It sounds like you want the rules for Warding and "land mines", except that instead of trying to keep something magical out of your home, you're trying to keep it out of, well, yourself.  Maybe you could adapt the Ward guidlines to an enchanted item?  Instead of using the Ward as the baseline complexity, you could use a Reflexive Block, and then add land mines on top of that.

So here's a proposal.

Enchanted Item: Tracker Ring

The Tracker Ring is a large quartz crystal mounted on a silver band.  Once per session, the ring can temporarily transform the crystal into powder (essentially applying the aspect "Tranformed Into Dust").  The powder can be used to mark someone in any number of ways.
- It could be diluted into a drink
- It could be hidden inside a vehicle or home
- It could be placed on an opponent in Combat via Air Evocation

The two pieces of the ring (silver band and quartz crystal) remain magically linked, and can be used as a symbolic link for the purposes of Thaumaturgical Spells.  This mystical link is visible by The Sight, and, if discovered, could be used in reverse.

When the transformation wears off, the quartz powder is resummoned and reformed onto the ring.

This is basically a fancier, possibly more subtle version of the gum scenario suggested above.

Consider that as far as DFRPG is concerned, what you're really doing is using magic as a substitute for an Investigation roll.  Being magic, it makes impossible things possible, etc.  But even given all that, and assuming it was possible to locate a person or piece of gum in a city ... which would be easier?  I'd tend to say that even if it was possible to locate gum somewhere in the city, it would be in the legendary range. 

Well, my intent in this post is to find a way to magically "bug" someone without them knowing.  So I was thinking of the gum (or similar objects) as the magical version of a radio transmitter, which would be relatively easy to locate in a city.

Keep in mind, by the way, that all of these systems are extremely subjective, and these are my opinions.  Your mileage may vary.  The most important things to consider are (a) fun, and (b) game balance -- and remember that anything you convince your GM to let you do is more than likely to be done back to you at an inconvenient time.  So it's possible that undetectable symbolic-link-aspect evocations capable of guiding TMDs (Thaumaturgies of Mass Destruction) are not a good idea.  :)

Agreed.  I think it might be fun to add some espionage to the Dresden Files (tracking spells, reverse-tracking spells, discovering that your enemy found the "tracker" and set up an ambush, etc.).  But I wouldn't want to start using it to fire magical nukes at people from a distance - that seems so undignified!

You could probably mark someone with Thaumaturgy.  There are two possible problems with this: the first is that although it would be a fairly simple ritual, it would still take a few minutes and people might start wondering what exactly you were doing, what with drawing a chalk circle and mumbling arcane words and such.  The second is that the energy might be too easy to disrupt; if the subject walks through a threshold, takes a shower, etc, it will disrupt the magic, as will dawn or dusk.  You could reduce the impact of some of these things, but that would bump the complexity up.

Fair enough.  I was hoping that a decent "marking" spell would be low enough complexity that it could be contained inside an enchanted item - that would eliminate the need for chalk circles, etc.  For example, an enchanted bullet that fires like a normal bullet, but also contains a hidden spell payload.  So even though your bullet just bounced off the Supernaturally Tough skin of the Ogre you shot at, what he doesn't realize is that you've marked him now.

A magically spiked drink (ie, a potion) should be as good as a low-ish complexity ritual, but from descriptions in the novels I'd assume that masking the taste would be difficult.  The taste of the potion is what it is (and is usually bad) and mixing it with something else would disrupt the magic on the potion.

Good point.  What about spiking another magical potion?  "Here's the Potion of Inhuman Speed that you asked for.  What's that?  It's tastes funny?  It's a magic potion - it's supposed to taste funny!"  On the other hand, I have no idea what effect mixing potions together would have...

Your 'land mine' idea (basically a Thaumaturgy the creates a triggered spell on a location) would probably work, too, if you could guarantee that the subject was the one to trigger it (you wouldn't be able to specify him as a trigger without a symbolic link).

In this particular case, I was thinking that you'd specifically want to track whoever it was that tried to break through your Ward, so targeting would be relatively trivial.

Here's my idea for marking someone on a budget.  Note that it is not spectacularly sneaky, but could work against a subject that was not actively looking for threats in a sufficently public place.  A party of some sort would be ideal.

Get yourself some chewing gum.  Chew thoroughly.  Bite off a small piece and put it in your hand.
Go say hello to the subject.  Give him a hearty handshake, quickly pressing the gum onto his arm or shoulder with your other hand.
Take the remaining gum to your arcane sanctum and attach it to a picture of the target.  You now have a symbolic link that satisfies the magical laws of contagion (the link between the two pieces of gum) and similarity (the picture as representative of the subject).  That's +4 toward the complexity right there...

If you were just trying to track or scry on the gum (because you knew it would lead to the target as well), would you need a picture of the target?  Would that lower the complexity of the tracking spell, since you wouldn't have to overcome the gum's Conviction?  (This assumes that you didn't use a truly righteous gum, of course...)

DFRPG / Re: Creating duplicates while In Combat
« on: October 21, 2010, 08:03:32 PM »
I admit that I really like the idea of adding "Duplicates" as a Scene Aspect.  But I think you're right - for the intended effect, a Block is the better approach.

Here's another question: if you are using a special illusion Block (i.e. a Block against someone's ability to perceive/target you), does the Block disappear if someone's Alertness beats it?

Mechanically, magical Blocks dissolve once they are beaten.  But since Veils are special-case blocks, I wasn't sure if they followed different rules for this as well.  (Just because an enemy locates you once, it doesn't mean that his friends can see you, and it doesn't mean that he'll be able to find you on the next exchange if you move.)

DFRPG / Ways to "mark" someone for Divination tracking (or other spells)
« on: October 21, 2010, 06:55:23 PM »
What are some different ways to "mark" someone so that you could track them later via Divination?  Basically, I'm interested in finding a way to sneak a symbolic link onto someone.  (The most obvious way is to sneak a physical item into their pocket or something, but I'm looking for something that doesn't require Deceit or Burglary.)

Could you mark someone with Thaumaturgy?  In other words, could you cast one spell to create a symbolic link, and then use that link later for other thaumaturgical spells (attack, scrying, tracking, etc)?  This would sort of be like hexing someone, except instead of giving them an Aspect like "Bad Luck", you would give them an Aspect like "Magically Marked".

The Intent here is to mark someone while they are physically present (ideally without them knowing about it) so that you can use Thaumatrugy spells (like Tracking) on them later when they think they are safe.

Some possible ways to mark someone:
- Get them to drink a magically "spiked" drink.
- Create a "land mine" that marks them if they break one of your Wards
- Create an enchanted item that supplements one of your attacks by marking the target

Would any of these be possible, or is it outside the mechanics of Thaumatrugy?

If it *is* possible, what are some other good ways to mark someone?

DFRPG / Re: Creating duplicates while In Combat
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:39:07 PM »
If you want to completely draw off attacks, I would go with a maneuver, then compel them to attack the illusion instead of you.

I was thinking along those lines as well, but I wasn't sure exactly how I would run it.

Round 1: Wizard uses Defensive maneuver to add "Duplicates" aspect to the zone.
Round 2: Ogre attacks with Fists.  Wizard pays a Fate point to compel the attack to miss.

Is that too powerful, since the Wizard didn't have to roll to neutralize the attack?  Or is spending a Fate point already pretty expensive?

DFRPG / Re: Why Choose More Elements?
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:33:10 PM »
I started my campaign and I have one Wizard in the party. So far he throws around fire smartly enough but the thought occurred to me. What other element could he want with an attack when fire covers 9/10 harmful substances to throw at monsters?

Assuming he chooses refinement when he gets a chance. Why would he want to choose another element?

I suppose it depends on the kind of consequences and aspects you might want to inflict on people.  It would be difficult to justify a Grapple maneuver with Fire evocation, for example.  And most consequences are going to be harder to hide or explain.  For example, "Nasty Burns" might raise more questions at a hospital than "Broken Ribs".  And if you're just trying to stop some runaway kids who stole your Blasting Rod, do you want to throw Fire at them, or is it better to take them out with something more subtle (like tripping them with an Earth Block)?

Fallout from a failed Evocation will be very different as well, depending on the element you use.  Fire evocation fallout will tend to set things "On Fire".  Air evocation fallout might knock "Everyone Prone" or kick up "Lots Of Dust".  Spirit evocation fallout could give everyone "Splitting Headaches".

DFRPG / Re: Creating duplicates while Out Of Combat
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:20:37 PM »
As a basis I think you could use the Extended Divination Spell example YW 297. Technically, following the rules and the canon you can not simply project yourself to any place you desire. You always need a link to the place or the person you want project yourself to. But of cause there are some tricks, like silly string or playdough or stuff that can work as your link if you place it in the location you want to project to.

Well the idea is to conjure a duplicate where you are now, and then send it ahead.  So creating a link should be relatively trivial - just use something you have on you right now (drop of blood, piece of hair, etc.)  That link would then, theoretically, be a part of the duplicate wherever it goes.  I don't think Conviction should come into the cost at all, since you're not trying to locate someone or something via the spell.

If you project yourself, you are in no way immune to possible counter attacks. A wizard that is present at the scene you project to and becomes aware of your presence can totally try to disrupt your link. He also might try to send energy through it, to try to harm you. In other words you might get in trouble after all. (Think the divination Harry attempts in WN, when he tries to spy on the Malvora WCV and Cowl)

Well, sure, if you come up against something with mental/emotional/spirit powers, you're going to be vulnerable.  No defense is perfect, but you should still be safe from most forms of Evocation, gun shots, falling rocks, etc.

(For the record, I'm only about half-way through the books, so sadly most examples from them will be lost on me!)

DFRPG / Re: Creating duplicates while In Combat
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:08:45 PM »
I'd be tempted to run it straight up as a Veil, with limited control by the caster.  That would make it an Evocation block versus their Perception and should draw off attacks.

That's an interesting idea.  How would you actually run that?  A block limits someone else's actions, so I'm not sure how you can link it to Perception.

Round 1: Wizard casts "Duplicates", with a Block strength of Superb
Round 2: Ogre uses Fists to attack

In theory, the Block would be against Fists, not Perception, right?  I guess I'm not clear on how veils (and Stealth in general) would work in Combat.

DFRPG / Re: Creating duplicates while In Combat
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:04:24 PM »
You could work it as a block, but I'm not seeing how this sort of illusion could be an evocation. I'm sure someone can imagine a way, but I can't ATM

Well, enchanted items are a possibility as well, so simple thaumaturgy is possible with a high Lore skill rating.

DFRPG / Re: Green Lantern
« on: October 18, 2010, 05:38:07 PM »
Stunts and Powers:
+2 Green Lantern Ring (Obvious during use, glows green, can't hide the light)
* +1 Feeding Dependency (The ring is powered by life force/magic. It can feed off the user with mental and physcal consequences, or it can be used against other living or magical creatures to feed off of them)
* -2 Channelling (Green Force Constructs, +1 Power and Control)

Does the +1 Power and Control come from the Focus Items aspect of the "Channeling" stunt?  (I think so, but at first I wasn't sure where the bonus was coming from.)

I'm mildly concerned about the size of the Item of Power vs. its abilities.  From page 281, "Hidden Power", a ring could only hold 1-2 Focus Item slots or 3-4 Enchanted Item slots.  The "Channeling" stunt would fill up the two Focus slots by itself, even before the other abilities were added on.  From a "Dresden Files" standpoint, you might be better off emulating something like Starman's "Cosmic Staff"  Something that powerful should be (relatively) easy to disarm or pin down, for added drama (and Fate points).

I really like the idea of a Feeding Dependency, but I'm not clear on how you've designed it.  It doesn't look like it follows the same rules as the Vampire Feeding Dependency.  Is it enough of a disadvantage to warrant a +1?  How is feeding off the things that you are already attacking a disadvantage?  Does channeling require two mental stresses (one two use the ring, and another to channel something)?

Overall, cool idea!

DFRPG / Creating duplicates while Out Of Combat
« on: October 18, 2010, 05:09:50 PM »
I'm interested in creating a wizard who creates mirror images of himself while out of combat to safely scout ahead (or to safely talk to an enemy without making himself vulnerable).  I'd be interested in knowing how other people would build this.  What would you consider the complexity to be?  How long would it last?  What limitations would it have?  Etc.

The Intent: The intent is to make a duplicate that can scout instead of the wizard.  The wizard would stay behind in a trance, while his duplicate could scout ahead, but be unable to cast spells or manipulate objects.  This would basically be mobile scrying, plus the ability to project image and sound.

I'd also be interested in how much added complexity it would take to have:
- A duplicate that could cross thresholds
- A duplicate that could impersonate someone/something else
- A duplicate that could manipulate objects
- A duplicate that could cast spells
- A duplicate that could act independently of the wizard (or fight beside him)

I expect that some of those enhancements would push the complexity outside of mortal reach, but I'd be interested in how people would calculate the complexities.

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