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Messages - babel2uk

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DFRPG / Re: Is compelling an Aspect a -2 or an auto-fail?
« on: October 13, 2010, 07:36:00 AM »
I don't know if the rules back me up here but this is how I see it. The GM is the only one who compels. A compel is directed at a player asking them to complicate the situation (usually by failing or making some mistake) for the enjoyment of all. Everyone else invokes. Invoking is giving yourself a +2 on whatever your doing based on an aspect. Whether it's your aspect or someone else's you're still invoking it for your benefit.

The rules actually state flat out that players can compel NPC aspects.

Page 107 - "Compelling Other Aspects"
If you are aware of and can access an aspect on another character or NPC, you may spend a fate point to try to trigger the circumstances of a compel (see page 100) on the target. If the GM decides this is a compel-worthy circumstance, then she takes the offered fate point and proceeds with a compel, running it as if she had initiated the compel herself.

DFRPG / Re: Is compelling an Aspect a -2 or an auto-fail?
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:06:33 PM »
As far as I can tell Compels never give the victim of the Compel a penalty to their roll (in a mechanical sense). They are very powerful - which is why the option is there to buy out of them. In the circumstance you describe, if the GM accepts the compel on the aspect, then the Friendigo fails in his attempt to attack Bobby. If he buys out of the compel then he can act. The same is true if it were a PC suffering from the compel. Remember as well that Compels are negotiated. If the player is suggesting a compel they should have an idea as to how they want it to play out, and you can discuss it until you are happy with the proposed outcome. The consequence you're looking at in the example is probably a severe one rather than mild or moderate, so it's not out of the question to say that the compel forces the Friendigo to flee the combat - or at least attempt to.

DFRPG / Re: A Question About Power Foci
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:46:39 AM »
Not to be argumentative (I think you're attributing Papa Gruff's original posting to me - and I thought when I read it, that doesn't answer the question being asked!)... but the quote I gave above is from a section specifically titled Focus Items which is in the Evocation section of the book! (page 256)

You're correct I had mis-remembered the Evocation description in the Powers section as explaining more than it did. But it does point you towards the Thaumaturgy section on Crafting Items for an explanation of what the Focus Items do in game mechanic terms.

DFRPG / Re: Offensive Armor?
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:38:37 AM »
Or you could just perform an evocation maneuver with enough shifts to make it sticky... Probably more effective in the long run, and you don't need to house-rule it.

DFRPG / Re: Evocation as Defense
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:32:49 AM »
The way I've always read that section is that you can make a dodge roll if your block fails to stop the attack. I'm fairly sure that the section on Blocks (p210) has exactly that example. The example in the section on Blocks in the Evocation section also mentions the attack beating both Harry's Block and his natural defence (which is his Dodge roll).

I can't say I'd allow the rote spell block as a reactive defence in my game, but if it works for you fair enough.

DFRPG / Re: A Question About Power Foci
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:21:18 AM »
It just seemed odd that the item creation section was the only place power foci are mentioned, especially when in the evocation section (Pg 250) it specifically excludes them, but not other foci.

I agree with Papa Gruff. Two things to bear in mind... Firstly the section on page 250 is just a summary which is expanded by what follows. The second is that that there is no roll for a power foci to modify, it just adds it's rating on to your conviction for the purposes of working out how much power you can safely summon. I think that the only reason control foci are mentioned in that summary is that they directly affect a dice roll. Maybe they should be mentioned on page 250 just for clarity, but possibly the writers (struggling to edit the word count) thought that was a little redundant because it's covered later on in the Evocation section, as well as in the crafting section of Thaumaturgy, and the description of Evocation within the Supernatural Powers chapter.

DFRPG / Re: A Question About Power Foci
« on: October 12, 2010, 07:49:23 AM »
Using a focus item will give you at least a +1
bonus either to Conviction (making it safer to
summon one more shift of power)
or Discipline
(making it easier to control the spell).

From page 256 of Your Story - the section on Focus Items

DFRPG / Re: Grappling and Feeding.
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:51:32 PM »
I'm not sure I'd want to be in the shoes of the WCV who's just been pinned down by a Troll Scion and placed an aspect of Intense Lust on them. That could get messy...

I'm fairly sure there's an example of a WCV feeding and preventing their victim from acting in the books, so I'd be inclined to allow a WCV to use the block ability of Incite Emotions and to feed at the same time, the block would be against the TC's attempts to maintain the grapple. Essentially you're saying that the fogging effect of the emotion makes the target confused as to their goals in the grapple - and if they fail it turns from a serious fighting grapple to a weaker lustful embrace - which gives the WCV more freedom of action. The only difference between the two is that once contact is broken between the WCV and the TC (by the TC breaking through the block) the emotion will vanish almost instantly and they'll need to re-establish contact. If the Incite Emotion is done as a maneuver then obviously the aspect is still there for a short time, and is capable of being compelled to force the TC back into the feeding embrace of the WCV (or to do something else which allows the WCV to continue feeding).

I would however require that the WCV break the grapple strength to use their Incite Emotion successfully. I think this has been discussed on another thread. The problem is that many people seems to view a successful grapple as simply immobilising the opponent - as a kind of static tableau - when it's more likely to be a great deal of shifting around and struggling on both sides.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Mechanics With A Twist: Help Needed
« on: October 11, 2010, 08:02:18 AM »
You could make the setting Earthdawn style. All of the player characters are magical adepts of some kind - which basically means give them a small amount of their refresh that can be used for Supernatural Powers. Effectively they would all have the Emissary of Power template but without the Marked by Power requirement - or the Minor Talent (with a slightly higher bar for the cost of powers).

Healing-wise the RAW will be somewhat of a let-down for anyone wanting a DnD style healing system, since Biomantic healing doesn't appreciably speed the process, just makes it possible. I'd agree with the idea of giving all characters an extra mild consequence, and leave it at that. You could also consider the idea of an Item of Power that takes a limited number of consequences on behalf of the character, up to a certain amount per scenario (or per session if you want to make combat less of a threat), but maybe with the limitation that the item can only take on the consequences after the combat.

Personally I prefer combat to be something of a threat within a game, and not something you should enter into lightly. If a combat doesn't threaten the characters, why bother with it. There's no reason the take-down in a combat has to be death - it makes for a much better game if it isn't, because that opens up the possibility of capture instead.

DFRPG / Re: Will this still work? (Secrets of Boston players keep out!)
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:10:07 AM »
Personally I'd rethink it. It's unlikely to have the same impact as it would have had before, and the players may assume that you've just adapted their idea.

DFRPG / Re: Pure mortals making magical circles
« on: October 07, 2010, 07:47:41 AM »
True, it takes blood, but unless a character is really bleeding himself out, I don't really see it taking so much blood as to result in physical stress.

Remembering that Stress isn't actually damage, what you're advocating is for a mortal with no magical ability to be able to do something that a Wizard can do using magic with no cost attached whatsoever. I think a point of stress (mental or physical) is an extremely cheap price to pay for what amounts to a 100% block against ghosts and undead, which lasts until the circle is broken. I'd actually be inclined to say that level of protection should be bought with a mild consequence -though I'd allow it to be mental or physical.

DFRPG / Re: Question about "consequences"
« on: October 07, 2010, 07:39:57 AM »
It's not damage avoidance. Consequences are quite specificly damage. Within the system you can lose the fight without taking any damage whatsoever - you just let yourself be taken out, or declare a concession. The moment you decide to take a consequence you are declaring specific damage to your character rather than general roughing up. If you don't take a consequence then after the fight (assuming it's not a fight to the death - which the system discourages anyway) your stress tracks refresh and you have no long term effects to deal with - except for the things that come naturally from losing the conflict. Stress is the damage avoidance part of combat. Consequences are channelling damage to a specific effect so you can stay in a fight, and they stay with you.

DFRPG / Re: Mixed Element Spells - Possible with Evocation?
« on: October 04, 2010, 08:00:26 PM »
The book says that you pick one element to form the basis of your Evocation. The section about Lightning is there to illustrate how different elements can accomplish the same effect, not as an example of blending two elements.

DFRPG / Re: White Council Power Level Sorcerers
« on: October 04, 2010, 03:14:14 PM »
This subject was discussed here:,20636.15.html

My point of view is let them fight all they like. The Council is there for their protection. Not being a member, and being powerful enough to be a member generally puts you on the hit list of every other Supernatural faction, who either want to recruit you (willing or not) or kill you to stop others getting their hands on you. By comparison the price of Council Membership - don't break any of the Laws of Magic, generally attend meetings if it's convenient, represent the council in an official capacity if called upon to do so - is cheap. Especially when you consider that not only do you gain the protection of the Council under the Accords, but now have access to a massive amount of magical experience and lore. It's a carrot and stick situation. Work out which your players will respond best to.

DFRPG / Re: Vampires and Hunger
« on: October 04, 2010, 10:20:46 AM »
What you do really depends on what the success is going to mean. If it really isn't important then just assume that the mortals are suitably impressed and move on - hell, unless they're really good at whatever the WCV is beating them at, or the WCV is embarrasingly bad at it then the result isn't likely to be that interesting (and as the rules say, if it isn't going to be interesting, don't roll for it).

If the player wants to put an Aspect of Impressed on the mortals that they can tag later in a social context that's a different matter. In that case play it out as a contest and allow them to Invoke aspects and use powers as they wish to supplement their roll.

Obviously, if the WCV in question has aspects that you could compel to make him spectacularly fail to impress then you should milk his embarrassing failure to perform for all it's worth...

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