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Messages - Arkham8

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 10, 2011, 12:33:39 AM »
Too many unkowns to ponder. I personally think the big d who imprisoned them is tehob, the black goddess arch enemy of the white god. That would make bthe fallen angel satan the OP uriel. This assumption is baed entirely on me thinking jim will not be able to pass up a seven headed dragon as bad guy ;)
As cool as that would be, I don't think we have the pages to cover the logistics of several "Lords of Hell", if you will.

However, Hell's Bell's (book one of the final trilogy, correct?) does sound summarily apocalyptic in the sense of Literal Hell. Here's for me hoping you're right about the seven-headed beast, and hopefully the harlot that sits upon the throne...
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New thought based off of that:
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DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:48:29 PM »
Or Mommy.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: March 21, 2011, 04:48:25 PM »
This may or may not be a relevant mystery, but I find it interesting.

How exactly could did Satan get the Fallen in the coins? One would assume that he wasn't powerful enough to get all 30 Fallen in the coins, especially given that Anduriel was his top general. Did Satan get God in on it? Or did Satan somehow trick them into the coins.

I realize that the popular consensus was that Satan just kinda did it, but I highly doubt he had the power to mystically confine and limit 30 of his peers just like that.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Character Creator/Manager
« on: March 16, 2011, 08:29:04 PM »
Really like this, great job! I'd like to request that when you use the view Character Sheet option, it includes the character progression sheet, with the Rising Conflict, First Adventure and such.

DFRPG / Re: Character Creation Advice
« on: March 15, 2011, 09:08:04 PM »
Thus far I have

-Xarol the Alchemist
-Nightside, Son of a Fire Demon
-Jason, Mortal Bad-ass

DFRPG / Re: Character Creation Advice
« on: March 15, 2011, 12:20:59 AM »
Shoot, I meant Rapport, yeah. My issue is that I keep trying to make the character an expy of myself. And I would really like a lot more stunts  ;D

DFRPG / Re: Character Creation Advice
« on: March 14, 2011, 11:56:15 PM »
I'm not sure if this is in the book (it's a big book and I just got it today), but can you take stunts out of your skill categories? My character would probably have Affability as opposed to Intimidation, but I still want the Infuriate stunt.

DFRPG / Character Creation Advice
« on: March 14, 2011, 08:04:22 PM »
Okay, so I just got the DFRPG book in the mail. I'm having a little trouble figuring out the logistics of my character, because there are so mayn things I want to do with him. So, I broke it down into a few different builds I could roll with and I'll go with the one that will be the least complicated in the long run.

-I was thinking of a gun-slinging character. My main inspiration for this character comes from Dante of the Devil May Cry series, but I'm afraid his Aspects and Powers will come too close to Kincaid's. Especially since Scion is the only way I could think of him being able to have the powers to pull off the stunts I would like him to.

-An Alchemist. Someone who is either Crazy Prepared or has the Aspect of Macgyver, in order to simplify his potion making and make him actually useful in confrontations. Possibly, the orphan son of a witch who was kind of a Nevernever biologist. Raised by a tree spirit, giving him a strong connection to nature, that aids him in his on the spot potion making.
-A Thaumaturgist. Same deal as the alchemist. Going with the crazy prepared or Macgyver skill for on the spot rituals. My practice scenario for him was that he was in a group that was in the winter area of the Nevernever. A giant snow beast is attacking the party, and as they hold off the beast, he creates has one of the party members create a snowman while he focuses and prepares a thaumaturgic ritual connecting his snowman and the snowbeast. Once the ritual is complete, he has someone melt the snowman or kick it's head off, thus destroying the snowbeast. I was thinking that I could possibly combine him with the Alchemist, to create one character.

-A dual-sword wielding teleporter. For all my reading through the book I can't figure a way to make this convincing. I was thinking that he is a World-Walker that specializes in opening portals quickly enough to do some nifty battlefield teleportation, on top of his sword prowess.

-I was wanting an Outsider themed character, due to my love of Lovecraft, but I hear these are kind of hard to pull off.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: March 09, 2011, 03:57:56 PM »
Is it just me, or does this just seem like a really odd thing to happen?
Well, we can assert that he didn't necessarily intend to cause trouble for Dresden in particular. Maybe he was enhancing the hunter aspect of the FBI agents, themselves hunters of criminals. Maybe he was purposely pitting them against Marcone, the man with the soul of the tiger. Maybe he wanted to pit them against the Loup-garou.

Think of it like this. A wholeeeee bunch of werewolves of every flavor all showed up in one city, at one time. Given that wolves embody the spirit of the hunter, I can see the Erkling arranging this for shits and giggles.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:10:00 AM »
Actual its not a dead body that looks like Kincaid attached to the demon form it is:
And many of us believe that the corpse specter of death is really Mavra veiled and taking pictures that Harry just happened to see with his sight when he say Kincaid.
Ahhh thanks for clarifying. BR is one of the few books I don't re-read on a regular basis. That and FM.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: March 07, 2011, 02:23:01 PM »
One thing I noticed concerning Kincaid's heritage was Harry's view of him with the Sight. A giant demon with a dead body attached that looked like Kincaid's human form.

Is this indicative of Kincaid's sacrifice of what humanity he has? Probably not, because he still seems very much human and he does care of Murphy, Ivy, and (maybe) Harry, due to Ivy.

Maybe the demon in the Sight is his old employer Drakul, metaphorically holding Kincaid, much like viewing Harry with the Sight shows HWWB.

Maybe the Demon is metaphorical.

And Maybe it's his battle shape-shifting form, a la Dante from DmC  :P. (Because he's quickly becoming an expy of Dante in my mind)

Darkest Hours / I read this!
« on: March 07, 2011, 02:04:18 PM »
And it was good  ;D

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: March 07, 2011, 01:56:54 PM »
Frakul does mean dragon, but we havee canon that he and the black court are not related.

(being as his son joined them to get away from dad.)
How does a Dragon, a force of nature, have a kid? I mean, Shagnasty was neither male or female and his power level isn't anywhere near Ferro's or Mab's. Do these super-powerful beings get pregged in the traditional sense? Or do they just will an offspring into existence?

And as for Drakul's rebellious son who joined the Black Court....if Drakul is a dragon would that make his son, who I presume is Dracula, half-dragon half-blampire? That seems kinda scary.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: March 03, 2011, 02:43:36 PM »
I've got  a question thats been bugging me for awhile, why was that Dragon (who from all the WoJ and such I've read could very well be the most powerful entity we have seen to date) at Bianca's party???
Open bar.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: February 18, 2011, 01:54:57 PM »
Quick Question- Drakul tends to come up a lot in speculation posts. Do we, as a community, think he's anything more than just a name drop? To clarify, outside of Kincaid's past, do we think Drakul is going to become relevant to the series?

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