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Messages - Yuillegan

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DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 06, 2020, 07:57:35 AM »
Mira - the Council only knows as much as it needs to. Not necessarily everyone in it. I would say that several members, definitely the Merlin and probably Mai, LtW, Eb and Liberty all know bits about his role. Probably a hell of a lot more than most of the entire Council. No idea about LaFortier or Pietrovich but I would be willing to bet they knew a bit. You don't get to the Senior Council without acquiring a hell of a lot of knowledge. Not saying they all know the same bits, but probably a fair bit between them. Plus any other similarly senior Wizards like Klaus the Toymaker, Luccio etc.

Also, I understand what you are saying about how it doesn't seem to make sense with our previous information. Probably because there are deliberate holes. But also because we mostly see things from Harry's perspective. Morgan might look quite different from those who respected him. Not to mention, this is probably relatively new material. I would expect there to be some contrast between it and a book written several years ago, with elements that have come to light that might be entirely new that were not decided at the time of TC. It's meant to cast new light on things, not blend in.

SK - Guarantee the whole Senior Council, and probably including Cristos, read that note. Although Cristos does seem to get shut out a bit...

Bad Alias - Morgan was appearing to uphold the party line, but it might not just be the party line. It might just be that there isn't a formal "Black Council" as such. Eb only vaguely acknowledges the idea, probably because he knows a hell of a lot that Harry doesn't about the real threat. The Merlin was protecting the Council by not acknowledging the existence of an external threat or competing group, but might also know that there might be several groups.

Morris - I think you are right, I think Margaret and Morgan had a deal. They probably weren't friends, but likely by the end had a mutual understanding and maybe even respect. Your idea about Jim's literary device could well be true. Although we should also remember that when writing a journal it is expected often that there will be more than one reader, especially in such circumstances that Morgan wrote his final entry. So it isn't unusual that he should both refer to Anastasia in third person, and then address her later as he realized she might end up reading this (and perhaps hoped so).

Also excellent pick up on the Washington D.C. detail. That was definitely a hint for keen observers. I wonder what is in D.C. that Margaret Le Fay hid or did? I am sure it wasn't mere sight-seeing with Malcolm. Too coincidental in my opinion, especially considering that is where the Library of Congress is (which if you remember, is the home of the vanilla mortal authorities charged with fighting the supernatural by the U.S.A).

Dina - Even if they take Harry's will, they can never make him do anything he doesn't actually want to do. They can coerce and pressure and torture and trick and even play puppet master, but they can not change his will. I think Harry could never become what they want without some part of him wanting it.

G33k - Interesting idea that Mab's might be trying to make him more resilient against temptation, although I would go one further and say that was part of Winter's purpose altogether. Part of protecting mortals. Winter is all about survival of the fittest through natural selection.

I think there are two possible reasons the Council had trouble keeping track of Harry as a child.
1. They actually kept track of him well enough (but quietly) right up until Justin hid him
2. Conspiracy. Maggie would definitely have tried to hide him, just like Harry does with his own child. Eb also probably would have assisted with that I am sure, not to mention what other friends either of them had who would have aided that. And of course, Justin probably had help from within the Council (and likely outside of it) to obfuscate Harry's whereabouts. Hell he probably agreed to help with the search. And when Morgan couldn't turn up anything (one of the Council's best Wardens) they probably realized he was lost for a while. Chance and fate helped bring him into their vision, and they were on him like white on rice ever after.

DF Spoilers / Re: Five Archangels - Five Elements
« on: February 05, 2020, 09:27:49 AM »
Well I am only going off the five that Jim gives us. If there were more I think he would have mentioned it.

Michael might be the chief now, but originally Lucifer was the highest of all. Assuming we are going with traditional dogma here. So Lucifer is more likely Spirit from that angle... although Spirit might not necessarily be the strongest element in a direct sense.

Also we know Lucifer likes to use Hellfire as we saw in SmF so another reason fire is likely... although I am sure they can use any and all elements should they choose.

The others are fair enough but just as likely as mine.

Gabriel as Earth is fascinating, great find!

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 05, 2020, 07:19:20 AM »
Bad Alias, Morris, 123Chikadee - It most definitely refers to others, only perhaps including Luccio. It isn't a letter to her for a start, it his final journal entry in his diary. You can tell this as it is called Journal. Also, when writing a letter to a person you don't normally refer to the recipient in the third person (i.e. if you are saying he the letter is written to Luccio, why would he write "I thought it would make a good impression on Anastasia, who I presume will be reading this entry". He is writing, as in most journals, to whomever is the reader (which only potentially would include Luccio - and was his hope she too will read it, but not exclusively or even directly just for her eyes only).

The "we" could well refer to the Gatekeeper, Eb etc, but I am sure he knew certain people would almost certainly read it, people who know about Nemesis and Harry as a starborn etc. That pool of people is pretty small.

SK - I think you might be too hooked on the idea this group (if it is a monolith, or just one group) is just traitor wizards. Harry's own arrogance and short-sightedness, which he freely admits in this case, is why he assumed it must be wizards in the first place. Apart from Harry's ideas, there isn't anything to support that it is just wizards. Indeed, we have seen several vampires who appear to part of the team and probably others. The Grey Council isn't just wizards (at the very least one god, and probably a certain Billy Goat). I mean it's possible he was saying "there is no Black Council" to test Harry, but honestly it seems like he understood the problem was far more complex than Harry realized. Hell he knew about Nemesis at this point, and Harry takes several more years to find out about them and see the scale of the problem.

I agree Jim may well be confirming that humans are vulnerable to Nemesis infection...although as he hasn't outright said it I am sure he has room to maneuver. Still though, definitely introducing the possibility that people can think it is possible.

My guess is wherever he left his journal, he knew only certain people who he trusted could find it, and I believe at least initially it would have been impossible for Luccio to find it. He basically writes this immediately after he is found framed for LaFortier's murder and has been injured by the Wardens. He was likely lying low waiting for his next moment to travel. It might have been risky to write it, but it was his last words potentially I imagine and I think like many in such situations he wanted to say his piece.

Navis - I agree with Bad Alias that likely it was to make Harry bitter for a while so that he would be so grateful for Justin. He went from a happy life to a miserable one, but it would take time for him to really despair to the point where Justin would have seemed like a savior.

Morris - what doesn't Luccio know about? Nemesis? Black Council? Harry being the Destroyer? All seem unlikely to me.
Very interesting that you mention Rashid also trying to work out Harry. Remember he says unless you use the sight, it is more an art than a science and takes time to learn what to look for. I don't know that the Eye helps with that or not, apart from the fact he seems to share the Mothers' ability to see multiple timelines.
I don't think they merely feared Harry as a Warlock in the employ of Nemesis or having been nemfected. I think the capitalization of Destroyer says that much. Harry always assumed that's what it was, but his information was limited. They feared him because he was meant to be something far worse.

Mira - he was too old to be affected like the young Wardens. Maybe nugged a tad like the older Council members, but hardly insane. Maybe it made him more judgemental, more righteous, more fanatical but not mad.

Magnuskn - Interesting you mention Snape. One of my theories is that Eb will be killed by someone Harry trusts or thought was dead, similar to the scene with Albus Dumbledore's death and Snape's murder of him. Although who knows if that person will actually be a triple agent like Snape or not.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 05, 2020, 12:23:05 AM »
Main takeaways:

1. Donald Morgan and Maggie Le Fay knew each other - and had an association strong enough that Morgan would protect Harry.

2. Morgan was actually protecting and testing Harry for most of his life! Margaret made him promise, which means towards the end, whatever their previous relationship he trusted her enough to make that promise. And all his bullying of Harry was to ensure he wasn't the monster that clearly some thought he had the potential to be. More on that below.

3. Malcolm's death: this is the second or third hint that it was unnatural. My money is on DuMorne as he obviously had been building a plan for some time to get his enforcers, and I am sure he would have been well prepared to kill Malcolm to get Harry. And it wouldn't surprise me if he used mundane methods like Ricin poisoning in order to simulate natural causes. Although the possibility remains he did it with magic and covered it up...I can't remember where but I am reasonably certain Justin was an able mind-mage.

Also - the fact that Harry disappeared from everyone whilst under DuMorne is further evidence of a conspiracy. Magically, physically and bureaucratically covered up is just too clean, and I am sure Justin had help. Perhaps from Peabody, perhaps also from others (both in the Council and otherwise).

4. Morgan thought DuMorne was a bastard. Probably for what he did to Harry, but perhaps in the same vein as Cristos. They would have been colleagues as Wardens so one imagines DuMorne was pretty nasty, if Morgan (who could be quite the bastard also) thought he was. That says something right there.

5. I will break down this sentence as there is a bit to unpack.
From then on, we could not be sure that the child was not molded to be a creature of Nemesis.

Morgan knows about Nemesis. This isn't totally surprising as he was a top-level warden, and with power comes knowledge and Morgan was pretty powerful.

He doesn't actually theorize Harry to be infected - I suspect he wouldn't have even gone to him if he did, which says something else to me.

I think he IS implying Justin was infected. That would make sense with why Justin became what he was - however it is just a theory. Justin could ALSO have been merely working for some other Nemesis-infected person.

The "we". He almost is certainly NOT referring to the White Council as a whole, and probably not even the Wardens. My guess is that he is referring to a certain group within the White Council, somewhat like the Grey Council, but perhaps a taskforce led by or commissioned by the Senior Council (likely the Merlin but quite possibly the Gatekeeper). I am sure Anastasia was part of this group too. Think secret police.

5. Confirmation of the fact Justin might not be dead - Morgan suspects that it could have been simulated. Now we know Harry believes he murdered Justin, but if it was a ruse, he might have been fooled and perhaps even agents on the Council might have helped cover it up.

6. Morgan seems equally disturbed by the fact Harry might have killed Justin outright at sixteen - probably because as I have speculated before, Justin was no slouch. If Harry beat him then Harry might just as easily be the monster they suspect. Think monster in the sense of Bonnie, a being "born of the spirit of a fallen freaking angel and the mind of one of the most potent wizards on the White Council. She's going to born with knowledge, and with power, and be absolutely innocent of what to do with them. a lot of people would call that monstrous" - Skin Game, ch23, p170. Harry might have freakish, monstrous power potential. Curiously also in that book, Grey tells Harry that he didn't choose the legacy she left him with her blood and she was a (according to Grey) a piece of work. One wonders exactly what blood magic is performed in making a starborn, and what was in her blood that made it possible. He might have been referring to simply being her child, and/or being related to Eb as well but I think it is more to do with the Starborn stuff.

7. Harry's potential for destruction is clear - Morgan thinks he should have been killed as the risk was too high. The fact he refers to him a Destroyer seems pretty clear, but I will get into that later.

8. Interesting that Morgan knew of the family connection between Harry, Margaret and Ebenezar. Well in the circle of confidence.

9. Morgan says he is testing him to draw out any controls that may have been emplaced. I believe he is referring to two things:  Ancient Mai's argument for not keeping Harry a wizard in Summer Knight, that the Gatekeeper explained. Ancient Mai believed that DuMorne's teachings might have shaped in ways that he can not see. I believe that was a bit of layered double-speak. They were clearly about the lessons both direct and otherwise that Harry learned from his time with Justin. But I also believe she was worried about Nemesis, either infecting or manipulating him through others. And general black magic taint - which Morgan also refers to in the same paragraph of his journal entry.

The second thing he might have been referring to is enthrallment, very fine enthrallment. I would say the fact despite everything Morgan threw at him Harry didn't turn out to be a sleeper agent is probably a good indication he isn't enthralled, however it isn't concrete. Perhaps Justin was just that good that it is buried so deep that it will only show up right at the end.

10. Morgan implies that black magic taint can be concealed.

11. Morgan, despite everything, still goes to Harry despite not knowing if Harry is a terrible monster time-bomb. Which both shows how desperate he is but also how seriously people are worried about Harry - more than a mere warlock.

12. The enemy has invaded the Senior Council by Turn Coat, according to Morgan. This is before Cristos is appointed. He could be saying that Nemesis has infected one of the Senior guess would be Mai or Merlin but anyone could be. But Morgan could also be saying that the machinations of Nemesis have managed to get between the Senior Council.

13. Quite interestingly, he talks about the web of conflicts between either the Senior Council and the Enemy, or the Senior Council itself. I think much of this will be revealed in Peace Talks.

14. I think this whole passage released before Peace Talks is to set us up for it. I think Nemesis and maybe even Harry's birthright will become more prominent in the next book.

15. Morgan had his doubts and by the end realised he was wrong about Harry. Harry might be Hellboy, but if he's on the side of the good guys I think things will work out. Seems like he is the kind of weapon that can work out really well, but also blow up in your face.

16. Is Elaine a Destroyer too? If so, the fact that she is flying under the radar is pretty worrying.

17. Pretty sure the reason Morgan was sure there was no "Black Council" is because of Nemesis. He understood that was a simplistic view of a far bigger problem. Which isn't to say the Circle isn't an organization, but they are probably more than just dark wizards with an axe to grind and probably have many other supernatural entities on their roster. And maybe they are nemfected, or just some, or maybe not. But almost certainly they are linked to the Outsiders...

18. What the hell is a Destroyer? Last we knew Harry was merely referred to as Starborn or Child born of the Stars. The only thing we knew about them is that they were born with the potential to wield great power of the Outsiders. Doesn't smack of destruction directly. But what if Harry is more than merely a potential leader of Outsiders, or gate opener etc. What if he actually can cause mass magical destruction on his own? Would be very Dresden. And could explain why so many people want him on their team, or dead.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: February 03, 2020, 05:07:16 AM »
Exactly. I might argue that in some ways they are even worse.

DF Spoilers / Re: Some interesting things from Death Masks
« on: February 03, 2020, 05:06:24 AM »
Their entire M.O. is degrading all the status quo power nations to create a vacuum.
SK - But that doesn't answer why the need to do it slowly. Why not do it quickly and efficiently? Just because they wish to destabilize the current world order does not mean they want to do it slowly. Where is the link? If you want to create a power vacuum remove a power suddenly with no easy replacement overnight and watch the fireworks. E.g. Harry's annihilation of the Red Court and the after effects in South America.

Kindler - the minutes to midnight schedule has been hinted at a lot. I understand that the Red Court wanted more time to build there forces, but the fact remains that they needed to wipe out the White Council in order to further their grand strategy - they could have waited 100 years if they wanted to, or done it some time in the past when the Council was weaker. Why now? What happens in the next few years that meant they felt compelled to attack the White Council (even if they were being manipulated by other forces)?

Are we going to see more of Nicodemus or Mavra?
Nicodemus will show up on schedule, which you can figure out if you stop to look at things, I think. Mavra’s not done yet either, but she eventually probably will be, and I’ll leave it at that.

stilleto929: There have been 3 times that Nicodemus has told Dresden that time is running out. In Death Masks, after capturing Harry, Nicodemus says, “Your history indicates that you are too dangerous to leave alive, I’m afraid – and I am on a schedule.” Then in Small Favor, in the aquarium, Nicodemus says, “…tempus fugit. For all of us.” Then again in Small Favor, in the boat, Nicodemus says, “Dresden, I truly regret this necessity, but time is growing short. I must act…” WHY would an effectively-immortal person be so worried about time?!? The first instance can be explained by having a plane to catch, but the others seem…unusual. Is Nicodemus’s concern about time significant? I.e. showing to the reader that he believes something BIG will happen soon, and he has to be ready? Or is this just a conversational ploy to move the plot along? Would appreciate any info you could give us about this issue. Thanks in advance! – Stiletto (Celia)

Jim: The clock is ticking, and the clued people know it. /Especially/ to someone a couple of thousand years old, it really feels like we’ve already hit the two minute warning.

I think there is another one about Mab as well. Basically even though Dresden doesn't know, something long in the making is about to kick off and I think it is quite plausible that many of the supernatural powers such as the Red Court and the Denarians have ideas about what they want to do about that moment when it comes.

I agree that Ortega was scary to many supernaturals in the same way the Hellhound is or Marcone - ruthless, committed and efficient individuals who just do what needs to be done without ego. But if Ortega didn't know Raith was weakened (which I doubt he or most others did) then he surely would have been at least wary and perhaps even afraid of Raith - surely he too would have known the stories Thomas had heard. Otherwise the fear of Ortega must also come from somewhere else, either Arianna or whoever she represented.

Yes I do wonder if Maggie + Co where the founding members of the Black Council...perhaps even current leaders of it (excluding Maggie). And perhaps Lea too...although she is a wild card.

I get what you're saying about Nemesis, but I do think the connection in words is at least somewhat interesting. Hmm. Nemesis may likely be limited, but I do wonder about its origins in the game.

So yes, the Black Court in that scene where Harry takes on Mavra with Murphy and Kincaid is somewhat what I am talking about. But that is more their effect on the environment, not so much about what makes BCV stronger. There is a WOJ about how BCV level up by farming XP during wars and plagues. This seems very similar to how Denarians are stronger in dark times, even if the methods and type of strength is different.

Interesting you mention the Spanish Flu...I think there was a relatively recent WOJ answering a question about whether the Spanish Flu was either a cover story or a side-effect of the Necromancy used by Kemmler, to which he didn't exactly answer but he did think the questioner was very clever and liked them but was tight lipped about it beyond that.

I think there is some link between the Spanish Flu and Kemmler, and considering he was both involved with both the Vampires and Demons and quite possibly Fallen, I would guess the main link is between him and the Vampires myself. Whether it was intended as a power boost or was a side-effect or something else entirely (like a cover up in the history books) remains to be seen.

It's strange but I am not so sure that Hell and the Outsiders are completely at odds, they almost seem to work in different spheres. But it is more than likely some Denarians are working with Outsiders (possibly directly) and some might be aiding them indirectly.

Morris - are you saying that the series has only occurred over 12 years (in-universe) and that it won't get to 20 years by the end of the case files? You could well be correct, although you haven't factored in any Time-shift shenanigans at the very least from Mirror-Mirror I think. Still though, something quite likely will happen at the end of the case files that catapults everything into the Capstone Trilogy surely. Maybe that's when the first apocalypse happens. Jim has mentioned there will be a few at least.

Selling Starborn children? Are we sure they are so common? I think she knew how to create one, and it was her job perhaps to sire one, but she panicked at the last second for some reason. We know very little of her life, but one thing we do know is she was cunning and passionate and vengeful and planned ahead. She laid that curse on Raith as revenge, she laid that spell on Thomas and Harry just for when they met, and I don't doubt for a second that she planned very specifically that Harry would be a Starborn. Perhaps that was why Raith was so desperate to kill her. He certainly didn't use the most efficient method to murder her.

Also tip of the hat for clarifying the modern use of decimate. Seems hardly anyone uses it correctly to the point where it has come to mean something far harsher than the original word.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone
« on: February 03, 2020, 02:15:37 AM »
It's a good theory.

I also put it down to Jim just using (and perhaps having) a very Hollywood-inspired idea about the criminal underworld. Marcone is your typical movie gangster. He does have some unique and unusual traits, but he fits an archetype. But the real thing is far more ugly and strange.

I do hope that Jim has a similar idea to yours and ties it up neatly about why Marcone is so protected from the law but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Although one wonders if it is all tied to his central mysterious feature of how is is both an excellent soldier, businessman, somehow got in connection with Vadderung etc.

I think there is still plenty more secrets in the Marcone box.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: February 03, 2020, 02:11:04 AM »
Yes, the Blackstaff doesn't protect Eb from his conscience. That has been explicitly stated by Jim. But in that same WOJ, he also says it DOES protect him from Black Magic corruption, which is a magical effect (think nuclear radiation). Every time you use black magic (that nebulous term), it warps and changes and transforms the caster into a monster, a warlock. However not Eb. Eb's staff protects him (although likely there is a terrible cost) from that magical effect. The effect on his conscience, that has nothing to do with magic and everything to do with vanilla mortal moral concerns, is unavoidable.

Eb might still become (or perhaps already is) a monster in the human sense, like a murderer or rapist. But not in the magical, supernatural sense like a vampire or liche or warlock.

As G33k says, those who employ the forces of magic are not like vanilla mortals and so the are affected by forces vanilla mortals have no contact with, i.e. magic. And there are special consequences for them beyond that which vanilla mortals have for morally repugnant actions.

I think it is clear that it might stain his soul, but not in the SAME way that black magic stains. Just in the normal horrible moral way the rest of us have to live with.

DF Spoilers / Five Archangels - Five Elements
« on: January 29, 2020, 12:45:53 AM »
Something occurred to me when reading some content.

There are five archangels, and five elements.

Lucifer - Spirit

Michael - Earth

Raphael - Water

Gabriel - Air

Uriel - Fire

Bound by a circle of Will, which if I was a betting man would say was TWG.

Now there is some wiggle room. Uriel's name means "Fire of God" so he almost certainly is Fire. However he also could be Spirit, as he is the Watchman.

Gabriel means "God is my strength" but I chose Air for him as he is the messenger and Trumpeter, of which one needs Air. Air is also the element associated with intellect, and I can see that match up.

Raphael was a tricky one. His name means "God Heals" so Water makes most sense as it is the element of healing, however he is also the Demon Binder and bound demons deep within the Earth, so he could be Earth.

Michael was the hardest. His name means "Who is like God" and in the Dresden Files is named "Prince of the Host". To me he likely is Earth, because he watches over Eden and is the merciful one, but could also be Spirit as he is like God (Holy Spirit).

Lucifer means "Light bringer" and so should be Spirit, as the oldest and first Archangel. He could however also be Air as "Light" also meant knowledge, and he could also be Earth as he is often referred to as the Prince of the Earth or Lord of the Earth. Finally he could also be Fire, as Fire and Light were not so different elements.

I think it is significant there are five fundamental forces in reality. There are also five fundamental elements in magic - the power of Creation. Five Archangels seems significant to that as well.

What do you all think?

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks excerpt indications
« on: January 29, 2020, 12:14:18 AM »
Kindler, great argument!

I quite like the sobering nature of Lovecraft, and would find it both amusing and interesting if Jim pulled a fast one on us and for example revealed that TWG is Azahoth or something. He almost certainly won't, but it would be quite funny.

Mostly I think beings like Azahoth are analogous to the Old Ones (dresdenverse - can we really say that if they exist outside his Creation...?) and TWG/Creator/Almighty seems above or at least more than equal to them. But it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I do find it interesting how much DnD is in there though, although almost certainly Jim has combined the Demons of the Abyss with that of the Far Realm to create the Outsiders.

To my mind, they gave us this scene (with this particular monster) for a reason. They want us to think about it. It wasn't just by accident - which says to me that this monster isn't going to be just a run of the mill, in this scene and never again type of problem. They could have given us any scene with many other types of villains. But they chose this.

DF Spoilers / Did Bianca die? And was she more powerful than we realised?
« on: January 28, 2020, 11:53:51 PM »
Read Grave Peril closely. She is trapped by ghosts and pulled into a hell hole of a burning building, but not body ever seen.

Now admittedly occam says she probably did.

Paolo and Arianna thought she was, and she never shows up again, which she probably would have. And if she didn't die even in Grave Peril, the curse at Chichen Itza probably would have finished her.

Still though, if some savy Vampire or Necromancer or both had decided to rescue her and protect her in the Never-never, it would make for a terrifying return.

Also - is it just me or is it very scary how powerful she was, magically speaking? She almost seemed as strong as Mavra, and used magic that Mavra used rather than the traditional Red Court stuff (Red Lightning, elemental stuff etc). Gathering shadows was almost a direct copy of Mavra's abilities and seemed very lethal - it killed a Red Court vampire outright turning it to dust, and she was able to block Harry's direct shots.

One could argue that Jim had not yet really established what Vampire magic looked like at that point, and was going for the more generic Dark Magic stuff. Still though, I think it is worth discussing.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: January 28, 2020, 11:46:06 PM »
As good a one as any - I wonder a ritual, even if he didn't specifically use magic himself will affect him (in terms of black magic taint and madness). I think he pays the price enough that he had to physically murder Susan. Can't get more personal than that. Although admittedly she had just become a vampire, even if he had used magic to kill her he would have been safe from violating the First Law.

Also - raising Chauncy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Souls and Ghosts.
« on: January 28, 2020, 11:43:42 PM »
Indeed we do read differently Morris. You enjoy it how you like, far be it from me to stifle that. But if you are going to make WAGs, stick to the established canon. Anything else is a waste of time.

Should we not care about the after-image of a person? I don't think our sympathy (assuming the reader is sympathetic) is wasted on a ghost. That is merely an assumption. As Jim points out, while ghosts start of as merely a shadow of the real thing, they can become something in their own right. That is quite powerful, I think. Indeed often the idea of a person is far stronger than the real thing, and exists long after they die in some cases. Do we care as much about the person, as the idea of the person? I never knew Martin Luther King, but the idea of him is what inspires me and many others. Do I need to care about him personally, rather than what he represents and has become? I'll leave that up to you.

You don't have to care why Jim writes anything, he himself has said he doesn't care if people don't agree or like what he write (although I imagine there are limits to this). His primary purpose may be money, but that is a big assumption about someone we don't know (I assume you don't know him personally, like most of us). But I have known a few authors, both successful and otherwise, and it isn't really ever about the money. It is about the love of craft, the joy of the job, the strength of doing what you love most and feel best at. I think Jim has even used Harry to express this often enough when he writes about how much Harry likes actually doing magic. Yes it is hard and frustrating and terrible too. But it is often also very rewarding. I would not be so quick to just assume Jim is mostly in it for the money. He wrote Dresden because no one else was writing the story he wanted to read - that's worth thinking about.

He hasn't merely put it up for sale - he has put it out for consumption, true enough. But he wrote it also for himself too. So it does matter what he writes. Now we as a fan base, as an audience, may interpret it how we choose. But it is not up to us to decide what is written and canon, and what is not. You don't get to repaint the Mona Lisa just because it doesn't suit you. You can think your own thoughts about it, have your own opinions, but the paint is dry now and should stay that way. We can always write our own novels if we like.

To answer your question, the ghost is a by product of the soul. That is quite clearly established. On occasion they can work in concert, but it is rare. Think of a cup of tea. The cup is the body, the water is the spirit, the tea bag is the mind etc. The soul is both the sum of those elements, and the idea of those elements. The cup of tea. The dregs at the bottom when the tea is finished is the ghost - a remnant of something much more real but contains the memory of what was. The soul moves on to What Comes Next, the body decomposes, and the ghost is created in that moment of death. Gasoline, for instance, was once a byproduct of oil refining which later became a valuable commodity - but wouldn't have existed without the refining in the first place. A ghost goes on and has use in it's own way, but did not come into existence without the presence of a soul. I hope that answers your question.

As for Mortimer being unable to sense him when Uriel shows up, well I think if Uriel had wanted him to look like a ghost and act like a ghost he gave him the option, but he never really was just that. When Uriel shows up he is finishing the job (the whole point of which was to help Harry understand that he killed himself, and the effect of his choices, and perhaps also hint at the greater struggle going on around him). If Uriel had wanted Mort to sense him, then Mort would have been able to sense him. It's almost Deus Ex Machina.

The Corpsetaker is different because he/she is a necromancer. I imagine using the powers of death magic might have some bearing on how your soul travels through the spectrum of death, not that it made much difference to him/her in the end. How this was possible is not yet known, and it likely won't be until Harry is forced to know more about necromancy I imagine, if we ever learn it at all. Although I don't see how the WOJ ever says it isn't possible to encapsulate a soul. A phylactery is a tool that does exactly that, which JK Rowling called a Horcrux.

Whilst one can be two, two can not be one. The ghost is a byproduct of a soul, which can work in concert in certain circumstances. Whether Sir Stuart is or isn't is a little ambiguous, but at this stage not very relevant to the story. Corpsetaker almost certainly was a soul, but may also have been in concert with his/her ghost, just like Harry.

On another note entirely - in Grave Peril Harry had this to say about ghosts.
I saw the ghosts the dead had left
behind settle the score.
Ch38, p229.

The ghosts the dead had left behind...  The dead leave behind ghosts, but they themselves go on. A subtle but important difference. Which lines up perfectly with the WOJ and established canon...and this was 10 books before ghosts were significant and we learnt more about that world.

DF Spoilers / Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: January 28, 2020, 10:53:15 PM »
I am not sure if this has been discussed in it's own thread, so I am going to create this one.

Harry has been accused of killing a mortal with magic from the very first book (his duel with Justin that ended with Justin's death).

Harry also may have killed mortals during his rage moment in Grave Peril ("Fuego, Pyrofuego") as collateral damage. It was never fully investigated therefore it was left alone, but Harry suspects he did kill at least some of the young people.

He uses necromancy to raise Sue, which while apparently is technically fine as it only applies to mortal humans for some odd reason, was still actually necromancy. The rule literally is Thou Shall Not Reach Beyond The Borders Of Life. Nothing about whether human or not. Perhaps there is a whole section interpreting this rule - the same way people manage to find exceptions in the 10 Commandments...

He also skirts the law of enthrallment when binding Toot-toot initially, as apparently it only applies to mortals. Yet still Morgan was prepared to execute him.

Finally, the only other incident I can think of is when he raises the Ghosts in Bianca's house to kill her. Now you might argue he merely attracted them and they were already around, but he actually pours magic into them to make them corporeal to a degree. Sounds like necromancy to me. Definitely only involved humans.

Can you think of any other instances where Harry uses dark magic or any other shady actions?

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks excerpt indications
« on: January 26, 2020, 03:38:45 AM »
If you catch the attention of one of them, they will hunt you FOREVER.
Just saying.

Very interesting idea.

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