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Messages - Snark Knight

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DF Spoilers / Re: Denarians and White Council
« on: July 31, 2017, 08:34:48 PM »
So unless the Denarians take direct action against the White Council, I really don't see these two bodies coming into direct conflict.

Also, Tessa's opening pitch to Harry in SmF was rooted in offering him pretty good terms to avoid an incident with the Council. Harry figured she was lying, but most wizards would be pretty happy to take that deal - and she might have actually meant it with some random with less of a reputation for obstinacy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bob, Butters, and the White Council...
« on: July 31, 2017, 08:30:31 PM »
The entire reason Butters and company have had to step up so openly is that the Council doesn't have assets on the ground in Chicago. Now that Harry's back, they'll have an even better excuse to continue ignoring the Fomor push on the city. Also given that the senior Wardens are under the impression Bob was destroyed in Kemmler's lab rather than taken by Justin, there's plenty of room for them to remain ignorant unless Jim chooses to write some coincidences to make Bob coming to light into a subplot.

Another angle that I think might be riskier than Butters' gear is that Evil Bob is still out there. If some of his schemes get on the Council's radar and they trace the deception about him being destroyed back to Justin, it's a short jump to Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarians and White Council
« on: July 31, 2017, 01:44:12 AM »
One wonders how much of Nicodemus' boasting about being the dominant player and the Fallen following his lead is sheer self-deception.  Anduriel may be laughing his shadowy ass off whenever he hears Nicodemus go into that rant.

My sense is Anduriel is probably OK with Nicodemus calling shots over the other 29, because they're an exceptionally tight team in terms of overall purpose, and a badass host helps his standing among not uniformly trustworthy company. (Side note, I wonder whether Anduriel is the de facto head Denarian because he has a long-lived badass host who's been around since the beginning, or because his eavesdropping is that powerful? If Nic bought it, would Anduriel still be at the top of the heap as soon as he got a new host, or would another one move up?)

But the very act of Falling requires a certain psychology. If he's unwilling to follow orders from TWG himself, there's no way he's willing to the led by a mere mortal.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarians and White Council
« on: July 28, 2017, 09:15:22 PM »
Well, I'm thinking a couple of things.  First is that the Denarians are/were signatories to the Unseelie Accords and as a group could not be lightly touched by the Wouncil.

While they were members of the accords, it would have been a literal act of war to go after them for violating the Laws. I'd chalk it up to mostly not being worth pissing Mab off.

Besides which, the fallen is going to take control if the host starts acting erratically on too large a scale. Allowing a cooperating host like Tessa or Rosanna a few indulgences is one thing, but the Fallen have a purpose and they expect their hosts to mostly stick to acting on it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Sword on Sword
« on: July 28, 2017, 09:06:08 PM »
The holy swords aren't powered by an enchantment, so warden blades aren't going to unmake them that directly. On the other hand, if Michael was driven by vengeance rather than 'on mission', Amoracchius is just a piece of metal.

My guess is they'd just clash as material swords in that case. Although if Michael rendered his sword vulnerable by acting improperly, Morgan's charged attack (I'm thinking of the technique he used to cut through trees in a single blow when he went after Harry in DB) might still affect it.

DF Spoilers / Re: luccio's action
« on: July 27, 2017, 09:22:28 PM »
I don’t understand the actions of Luccio in a fist full of warlocks. We have seen Morgan try to cut people’s heads off for even the slightest infractions (granted Morgan thinks everything harry does is dark magic but still) and Morgan has modeled himself on how Luccio has acted in the past.

I'm not sure whether the short story is supposed to have been before she had Morgan as an apprentice, or after he had already graduated and struck out on his own. But if it was before, I could certainly see Luccio blaming herself for not taking the chance to kill him before she realized his identity, and going through a stage of being more brutal to all warlocks as a reaction that just happened to coincide with Morgan's formative years.

DF Spoilers / Re: A question about Warden Swords
« on: July 26, 2017, 04:05:14 PM »
So if someday another jerk-nozzle like Morgan comes along with the right Fanatic'O flavor he might be able to use Morgan's old sword.

The curious part there is Harry eventually realized Morgan got the way he is through seeing a century-odd worth of really horrible things. He probably didn't start out as the 'burnt out cop'.

So if his personality changed over the decades to become that, did his sword adapt with him? Did Luccio have to keep retuning them as the owners' personalities changed?

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Question
« on: July 26, 2017, 01:05:55 PM »
Since the series is written as a reflection of post BAT Dresden we're supposed to envision Harry as a super powerful being giving an ultimatum you wouldn't want to take.

Well, the case files are supposed to have been written fairly late in his career.

It's not guaranteed even Harry will actually survive the BAT, though.

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: July 25, 2017, 11:53:14 PM »
Personally, I'm not yet convinced Anduriel was unable to rescue the coins dropped by Lasciel and Ursiel.

DF Spoilers / Re: Many Questions on Proven Guilty
« on: July 25, 2017, 05:39:41 PM »
These things sort of say to me: Uriel. He could easily be using these event to maneuver Harry into position, to set up for him a powerful ally (Molly) where before he had an enemy (Maeve), plus he gets to knock the Denarians off kilter by having them turn on one another in suspicion. We know that Uriel likes to plan for the long term and also likes to see how many dominos he can set up to all fall down at the same time.

Maneuvering Molly toward the Winter Lady role seems a little dark for Uriel. Using angelic foresight to point her towards choices that would have an unforeseen consequence of getting stuck with a mantle that will override her soul seems little different than Lasciel prompting Harry to attempt suicide. Sure, he didn't slip a thought into her head, but it's at least against the spirit of the rules for the guardian of free will.

Plus, up to now Michael's characterization has had his faith as a constant - probably one of the most steady aspects of the series. I'm not sure shaking that - as finding out Heaven had hazarded his daughter's very soul inevitably would - would really be on the authorial agenda this late in the arc.

DF Spoilers / Re: Many Questions on Proven Guilty
« on: July 25, 2017, 03:21:00 AM »
•   Mab could NOT have sent the fetches to kill people at the con.  She is not allowed to do this due to the rules of Fey Queens.  Either someone else gave the command or the Fetches were killing on their own.

She can't command specific deaths. But hypothetically, she could command them to visit the mortal world at a particular time and place, and just rely on their naturally predatory nature to get the job done. Though I tend toward Nemesis as a more likely explanation for the fetches behaviour.

•   The fetch knew enough about Molly to trick her into inviting them into the house (not a high threshold, but not complete ignorance)

Actually, no. There's a WOJ that Harry surmised wrong there - Molly didn't invite them in, they just powered through the threshold. Which makes them freaking beastly and/or N-fected.

•   Thorned Namshiel was involved in the attack on Arctus Tor

Not that it argues against Namshiel's presence (nothing says only one attacker used Hellfire), but I would note that Rosanna's absence from SG was also quite conspicuous. Also keep in mind Nic's comment in SmF about being sure one of the two women was "our own Judas".

Personally, my theory is Tessa is the ringleader for 1-3 traitor Denarians, but she's succeeded for the time being in framing Rosanna as far as Nic is concerned.

DF Spoilers / Re: Time Travel and Mirror Mirror
« on: July 25, 2017, 03:05:20 AM »
I wouldn't be surprised if the solution in MM ends up being to send himself a reminder to make the right decision in GP so the crapsack world gets ctrl-z'ed right out of existence.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab's Plans
« on: July 24, 2017, 07:21:13 PM »
1)Harry's Bargains. Per WOJ, that third Favor is still in play, but largley moot because the Winter Knight thing basically gives her the ability to ask infinite favors.  The theory goes that the Last Favor might be used in a case where Harry might need to be sent after somebody that, per the terms of his Knighthood Bargain, she cannot send him after, specifically a Loved one.  So if she needs to send him after Molly or McCoy or Thomas or somebody she cannot order him as her Knight, but she can still ask the Final Favor.  And since the terms of those Three Favors said that afterward he'd be entirely Free of all Sidhe influence, all obligation to Lea and Mab (by the technical wording), the theory is that it might negate bargains made after that including the Knighthood.

Did Mab actually accept his demand for an exemption on having to kill a loved one? As I recall the passage, she initially said the Knight would kill whoever she damn well told him to. Did she ever explicitly concede that clause to him?

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: July 24, 2017, 02:26:40 PM »
all being martial arts "Sport adaptations" that have certain style and technique limitations that are necessary to keep competitors from killing each other too easily.

Fair that they're all sport adaptations to one degree or another. I just meant that MMA is considerably closer to practical combat (i.e. you're allowed to keep hitting a downed opponent until the official pulls you off, compared to boxing where you're supposed to lay off and allow them to stand if they can within the count).

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: July 24, 2017, 02:36:54 AM »
And I thought Harry said he was a far better fencer than swordsman. That he had reach enough to hit from the next county over.  Though I thought a fencer WAS a swordsman.

Fencing is to swordsmanship more or less as boxing is to MMA - it's one discipline in the field, but as a form it limits a lot of the techniques one might use if practically trying to hurt an opponent.

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