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Topics - Dreadpirate72

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Arcane sanctums - what do they do?
« on: October 16, 2015, 05:54:58 PM »
Has it ever been established what the sanctum actually does? I'm a first time player, and I was considering making a wizard who's basically a great enchanter (lore 5) from an old money family (resources 5) that's also part of a long line of wizards...basically the family mansion has a sanctum and workshop using the stunts to bring their level up to 5. I'm sort of making the anti-Harry...he's never broke, his sanctum includes an altar that's been on the family land for 500 years and is older than that as opposed to his basement, and he has a world class library instead of Bob. Instead of the Doom of Damocles for killing a mentor, he has Wardens following him because they could use a talented enchanter because he helps the lesser practitioners around his home and because of the history of his family and their land that he might not even fully understand.

But as I looked around, I started to wonder what would be the benefit of using any of those. It seems like most people rarely use resources and they use the workspaces even less. Is there a point in pursuing this line of thought, or maybe is there another way to come at it? (I posted basically the same question on reddit).

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