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Topics - Zexar

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Improved Reflexes Potion
« on: October 05, 2015, 07:26:09 PM »
I'm trying to do a wizard with a little bit of a "witchy" tradition, so I thought that potions should be her speciality; Biomancy effects to give her a small edge in combat, like applying the "Improved Reflexes" aspect for a short period.

The thing is, do this potion applies a mild consecuence when it finishes? I have doubts, because it seems a very small effect, but reading this and that might suggest the opposite.

Any thoughts?

DFRPG / Create water and earth?
« on: September 09, 2015, 03:15:58 PM »
I have a doubt with water and earth magic.

When you use fire magic you summon or create that element. No need to have a fire nearby, you just create and control fire right?

Is the same with water and earth magic? can a wizard summon a water jet from his hand? can he summon a rock? No ectoplasm, the real thing.

(also, is water magic also ice magic? can a wizard summon or use existing water to immovilize a foe in a prision of ice?)

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