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Topics - Lord_of_Stories

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DFRPG / Mind Magic: Seeking Advice Regarding Mental Stress Evocation
« on: July 22, 2015, 04:39:28 PM »
Hey Everyone,

I am relatively new to the forums and so apologize if this topic has already been addressed. I am hoping to get some guidance regarding how to handle mind magic evocations that inflict mental stress; specifically whether or not to make use of it, and if not what alternatives I could use. Let me preface my questions with some background information regarding my campaign and players.

I have run one previous DFRPG campaign and am currently running a “sequel” with some of the same characters. The Fomor serve as the primary antagonists and have a penchant for mind magic (especially as per the Paranet Papers); in addition, I have a mind magic specialized 20 refresh warlock waiting in the wings as a Big Bad, puppet master type. While I don’t want to make the opposition too overpowering, my first inclination is to allow mind magic evocation for the following reasons:

1)   One of my players is playing a fairly well optimized Emissary of Zeus who, due to Supernatural (and now Mythic Speed) and Superb (+5): Athletics, dodges attacks at a base of +8 without rolls or fate points. This is further augmented by his use of a few self-inflicted rote spell maneuvers that give him temporary aspects that boost his Athletics. As a result, I find it difficult to hit him in combat even with several enemies doing nothing but placing maneuvers to try and close the gap. By targeting his mental track I was hoping to keep combat challenging (and therefore interesting) for him.
2)   In addition, if I am remembering correctly all of my players have at least a Good in Discipline since 3/4 are spell casters and the 4th is a hold over from the last campaign where his character upgraded his discipline in order to pursue a relationship with a White Court Vampire. As a result, I didn’t feel like they would be at to large a disadvantage when it came to resisting mental stress evocations.

Need for Advice:
That said, I have read through most Sanctaphrax’s “Where I Read: The Paranet Papers” and noticed some concerns people had about allowing mind magic as an evocation option. I want to give my players a fun and fair game, and so don't want to make my opposition too overpowered. I was hoping people would be willing to elaborate on their opinions/concerns and potentially provide alternative solutions to #1 above if they are against allowing it.

Thanks in Advance!

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