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Author Craft / Not a question of pace but rhythm
« on: October 11, 2008, 03:13:47 PM »
So , ya, I know I am probably asking a bit of an esoteric question, but how do I make my writing read less bouncy and more rollingly

Here is the problem I am having.  The zombies are dashing across the field or climbing the ladder or groping through the bars on the window to get at my hero, but instead of reading in the rolling tone that an ominous event should have, "it reads like you are following the bouncing ball in a sing along."  I would rather it had the long rolling build of a bowling ball smoothing curving toward a violent end than a game of ping pong.

Does anyone have a suggestion for taking the bounciness out of my writing?

Are there any tricks for rhythm?

The good news is, It makes for a really quick read.

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