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Topics - fitzypoop

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / An idea I had....probably not a very plausible one but....
« on: June 16, 2010, 10:56:53 PM »
So as I sit here at work, bored out of my mind, I was thinking about how this game could be incorporated into something like Second Life.  I've seen some RPG-like worlds or whatever they're called but I've never been in one.  Just setup the bloody thing the other day.

Anyway, I was thinking about if it would be possible to do such a thing?  Does anyone have any idea or is it something too complicated that it's not even worth it?  I figured with the in depth creation of the cities and characters that maybe it could work.  I don't know.  Just a thought.

I saw that there's a program called OpenSim that is open source and pretty much does what Second Life does.

Any ideas or should I just not think about it anymore? :P

Author Craft / Opinions requested
« on: August 01, 2009, 12:56:03 PM »
Hey all,

A couple of years ago I wrote a book that pretty much sucked and was rejected by every publisher I sent it to.  Now I'm going through and pretty much re-writing the whole thing but there are aspects of it that I am definitely changing from the original and I'd like to get the opinion of some people here about whether or not it's a good idea or if I should just write and see where it takes me.

My main character is a wizard who is feared and somewhat despised by other wizards but not because of anything he did.  His father was a respected wizard in their world and he fell in love with a woman who was of a species that could willingly transform into a creature just like a werewolf (I'm using generic terms for now, I haven't come up with a species name for them yet or any other details).  She gave birth to my main character and he inherited his father's magical ability and his mother's shapechanging powers, except his is more like the lycanthropic full moon curse that is normally associated with werewolves.

My question, and feel free to be honest with this, is whether or not you (or people in general) might like to see a character like this, should I just write it and see where it takes me, or should I just drop the idea entirely and try something else?

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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