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Topics - Ghoul

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Stats for NagaAiravata?
« on: March 31, 2015, 02:09:13 AM »

I'm planing to run a session of DFRPG in a few days and want to use "Ghoul goblin" as a story.

The stats for Amber and Grindwald I can easily pick up from "What Goes Bump" (OW), but with the naga Airavata I've got problems. What kind of creature is a "naga" in the Dresdenverse? A very powerful Faerie? Just another denizen of the Nevernever?

What could be Aspects or Powers for her?

(Just in case the players will start to mess with her)

Same goes for Cedar's Qarin. Seems to be some kind of Guardian spirit with great powers and the ability to grant "sponsored magic".

Here, proposals for stats could be handy.

Thank you!

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