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Topics - TgirlValentine

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Outline Help
« on: April 29, 2008, 11:05:25 PM »
There was a topic on outlines, but it's been over 120 days old and i dont know how this board feels about "resurrecting" old topics.

So i'm a novice, if that, in the craft of writing. I'm a dreamer, so dont get me wrong i 've got plenty of ideas, but when it comes to writing i get stuck. It's not simple "writers block" as it is "writes insecurity of not being good enough for their own story" =0) i'm sure some here are familiar. SO i'd like to attempt outlining, but to be honest i'm not sure what all that entails. What are some "pre-outline" things i need to have in order to outline?

Thanks in advance for any help given.

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