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Topics - Grasharm

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Just Validating/debunking my view on stat leveling
« on: June 08, 2014, 07:50:11 AM »
Had a discussion with my GM about leveling stats because I suggested to another player that he should divid the skills into 5 groups of 5 skills each and organized them into skill groups I want most to I want least.  This becomes an idealized set of skills as in it's final incarnation, barring breaking the skill cap of +5.  I find it easier to deal with skills in this way as it lets you identify the top 5 and bottom 5 then work on sorting the final 15 into low med high. 

Anyway my GM says it's impossible to stack skills like that though as when leveling skills you need a staircase effect.  ie in order to raise a skill to 3 you need 3 skills at one, and two skills at 2 so that when your raise it to 3 the skills would look like this.


I say it is perfectly okay to have a skill tree that looks like this:


as this satisfies the supported skills structure fine.  We came the resolution that it doesn't matter as it will be forever before this actually becomes something to worry about but I'd like to make sure I'm not the one that is wrong.  So guys which is it.

DFRPG / Order of the blackened Denarius Question.
« on: May 15, 2014, 06:55:43 PM »
In a recent session of DFRPG me and the Gm had a heated Debate about the semantics of what constitutes free will when picking up an order coin. My character a Warden Wizard had the coin flung at him by none other than Nicodemus himself. Does the action of Catching it without knowing what it is mean the fallen angel is now a part of me? or would i have had to make a conscious decision to take the coin in order for the fallen angel to take hold?

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