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Topics - Kagami

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DFRPG / True Names or Parts Thereof
« on: April 24, 2013, 06:44:59 AM »
Hey all, new(ish) to the DFRPG but a fan of the FATE system. Anyways, that aside, looking to get into the game a bit more and a few questions regarding True Names have stuck with me since I started lurking the forums/reading the books again. Since from what I could search here didn't turn up quite what I was looking for (and apologies if this has been covered), it was enough to get me off the benches and register to ask:

How much of a True Name do you need to know to make use of it in Thaumaturgy?
Ferrovax in Grave Peril uses only parts of Harry's name to get an effect on him and Demons will apparently trade services for only part of your True Name as spoken by you. If your true name is Bob X and they only get Bob, what sort of mechanical effect (if any) can this reflect? Is it enough to provide a link for the short while before Bob's True Name changes, or do you need the full shebang?

Can places or things have True Names?
Demonreach is a decent example. It's many things, such as an island AND a prison AND has a genius loci, but does 'it' have a name that 'it' holds?

Do adopted names or nicknames do anything?
As an example, is there any way to use 'Ivy' to connect to the Archive if you're Harry or Kincaid if the Archive identifies herself in some small way as 'Ivy'? Obviously a bit overpowered if it counted as the thaumaturgical fetter needed, but could it provide a bonus?

Thanks in advance to those helping me think these through. My personal gut reactions are that nicknames probably don't do much, but that a substantial part of a True Name would count for something. As for locations/objects, I would think that if there is a Genius Loci, it would likely have a True Name of some sort.

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