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Topics - Kamikazegerbil

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DFRPG / Thoughts on a Changeling Concept
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:08:28 PM »
Though I've not yet gotten to play in DFRPG game (though I know a GM who would like to run it at some point) it's certainly got my brain working full speed cranking out character ideas. Among these was the idea of the Changeling child of a Summer Sidhe. I saw this character using Seelie magic and perhaps glamours. Generally looking at a character who embodies the sheer vigor of summer with a magic bent.

Then my brain suddenly went "What about Incite Emotion (Joy)?" A person whose fae heritage leaves them so full of life, good feeling radiates of them. This has gotten me thinking this could be a lot of fun to play. Perhaps with an "Enemy of House Skavis" Aspect. But there are a few things I'm still trying to figure out (some may be a little subjective):

1) How broad can Incite Emotion be in the aspects granted? Is it anything the GM agrees can relate to Joy? Could I in one scene place an arm around someone and lift their spirits, in another put someone off balance by making them happy to the point of slight mania? Could I give an friend who got into a fight (if I had "At range") a boost to their mood so they could tag the "lifted spirits" on their next attack?

2) How would you see this interacting with Incite Emotion (Despair). I can imagine introduced aspects being viable to aid defence rolls against attempts to inflict despair. But what about trying to counter it or cure the afflicted? Could I choose to remove the inflicted despair aspect instead of placing my own or would I need to place an aspect that can counter uses of the negative aspect in place? How would the GMs here handle this?

3) What would this sort of thing do to the target. In the books we see that inflicting fear, despair, etc. can have serious negative effects on the victim. Is it possible that positive emotions being pushed on somebody have effects beyond just messing with their head ("Everytime I see this person I get so happy. I must be in love with them" or "Why do I keep feeling good in bad situations? What's wrong with me?").

Is there anything else people think is relevant? I'm interested to here people's thoughts as the books only seem to look at darker emotions being inflicted.

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