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Topics - Somerset Pierce

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Help a new guy, please
« on: January 09, 2013, 10:52:55 PM »
Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to read this. A couple friends and I are wanting to give the RPG a go, but I'm having trouble with initial character creation. We're doing a waist deep game post Dead Beat. I would like to create a Warden, but don't want an exact copy of Carlos.

My idea is to do a sort of "Last Blade of Luccio" concept where my character received the last sword she crafted before her body jump. Him being a Warden in the East Coast (Our game is set in Kentucky) I thought would be a good way to allow Harry to be present without outshining the players.

Anyway, basically what I'm having trouble with is Warden creation, are they  basically just wizards with a warden aspect? Character creation is the hardest part for me in RPG's, so any input is appreciated.

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