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Topics - studer

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Is the Minor Talent Template underpowered?
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:05:32 AM »
A Pure Mortal gets a +2 Refresh for having no powers. All the other Templates have less restrictions on what Powers they can buy and how much they can spend buying them. Should the Minor Talent Template perhaps receive a +1 Refresh to compensate for these limitations?

DFRPG / Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: November 30, 2012, 07:48:06 PM »
Costumed Vigilante
A costumed vigilante is a person with extraordinary powers that chooses to fight crime as a costumed secret identity. This covers character concepts like Black Panther, Luke Cage, Doc Savage, Daredevil, Moon Knight but not really folks like Superman or the Hulk. Characters like Batman, the Punisher, or the heroes of the pulps would be Pure Mortals, not Costumed Vigilantes. A Costumed Vigilante must have something that makes them above and beyond normal humanity. Perhaps the character is an alien, a being from some out of the way place in the Nevernever, or augmented by magic or super-science. This is a lot like the Emissary of Power template, but without a superior pulling the strings.

Musts: Costumed Vigilantes must have the Secret Identity trouble. The bad guys want revenge and the authorities probably want them for questioning at the very least. The character must also have at least -1 Refresh in Powers, selected from the ones available under Options.

Options: A Costumed Vigilante must take at least -1 Refresh and no more than -6 Refresh from the list below. No other Powers may be taken.

Aquatic [-1], Claws [-1], Cloak of Shadows [-1], Spider Walk [-1], Supernatural Sense [-1], Wings [-1], Wizard's Constitution [-1]*, 
Breath Weapon [-2], Inhuman Recovery [-1]†, Inhuman Speed [-2], Inhuman Strength [-2], Inhuman Toughness [-2]†
Gaseous Form [-3],
Supernatural Recovery [-4]†, Supernatural Speed [-4], Supernatural Strength [-4], Supernatural Toughness [-4]†
Item of Power [-Varies]
*Cost changed to [-1] or everybody would take it. Useful for making certain long-lived Gaelic swordsmen...
†Need not take a catch.

Don't neglect Stunts!

Important Skills: combat and/or investigative skills are usually appropriate.

Minimum Refresh Cost: -1

From the Casefiles: None yet, but plausible.

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