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Topics - kereo

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Stacked catch questions
« on: February 04, 2013, 06:45:41 PM »
Hey all,

I'm trying to stat a new character. But I have a few questions about physical immunity and the stacked catch.

say I have inhuman recovery (-2) with a catch worth of +3. This makes it total -1.
I then add physical immunity (-8, total of -9). Add a stacked catch of + 4.

This is where I am confused. Do I get a total of of -5 by counting just the stacked catch for physical immunity or do I get to add the original +3 to it as well, making the total come to -2?


DFRPG / Newbie needs help with sponsored magic
« on: September 04, 2012, 07:16:23 PM »
Hey all,

First time poster, but have been lurking for a while. In our upcoming adventure, I'm playing a new character that uses sponsored magic. My character is the "Ebon Knight of the Nightmare Court". The idea behind it is that the Nightmare Court was basically absorbed into Winter during the Fae wars. It's ruler, was not too pleased about that and is now secretly undermining Mab, even going as far as to create his own knight, in the hopes of one day becoming the ruler of all of Winter.

I was discussing his spell options with one of our other players (who is a rule nut) and he basically claimed that sponsored magic can't do too many complex/powerful things and that it's underpowered (without incurring massive debts anyway). Here's the spells I was hoping to stat:

Horrid Phantasm
íomhá Uafásach (horrible image)
Makes the target see an illusion that instils fear, thereby unnerving him.  (add aspect)

Cage of tormenting nightmares
Tromluí caighean (nightmare cage)
A mental attack that locks the target in place for x exchanges as he is trapped in a hallucination. After breaking free, the target takes some damage as the mind makes the torture real.

Mind break
Liom briseadh (mind break)
Stabbing his sword into a sphere of shadowy energy, an illusionary blade appears and stabs the target in his head, dealing mental damage.

Wave of agony
Tonn céasadh (wave of agony)
A surge of shadowy tendrils bursts from the casters shadow, impaling enemies in the zone, dealing physical damage.

Would these be possible? Or are they overpowered in anyway and not possible with sponsored magic without incurring massive debt on use?


ps: if anyone is interrested I can post the (very) short story of why Auberon (couldn't find a better Fae name :P) decided to backstab Mab.

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