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Topics - JudasIscariot

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DFRPG / I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« on: July 06, 2012, 02:47:44 AM »
So my friends and I recently started playing DFRPG and I have been having a flood of Ideas for characters, and how they work. One in particular is the newest character I am trying to create. The only base i have for him is the main idea. Which is. A hand to hand combat expert who has sponsored magic "Lyssa" (the Greek Goddess of Rage, Madness, Frenzy and Rabies) the way i want him to work is to be fueled off of rage, but there is no real way to measure that in this system. Also Magic seems to be just a thing to Project as an attack or effect the surrounding area. when i would like this character to Work more on inner stuff, such as Buffing his power and giving bonuses to Fists and endurance for the explicit purpose of solving all problems with raging violence. Can anyone help suggest some ideas? or a system that can cooperate with FATE and portray this style of character.

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