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Topics - EmperorSkiratta

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Item of Power Advice
« on: November 26, 2015, 07:55:59 PM »
Okay, so me and my friends are getting back into the Dresden Files RPG, and we're each rolling up characters because we intend to pass the GM hat around. My characters is using a katana passed down through his family for generations, and he's the latest owner, and the first one to wield it in a while. The thing about the sword is that it's possessed. Specifically by the kitsune Tamamo-no-Mae/Hoji.

The way we've decided to represent this is by giving her a write-up, similar to but more fleshed out that the one given to Bob the Skull in the Paranet Papers. I know a couple skills and probably aspects to give her, but some advice there would be nice. We're also looking at for now having her boost some of my skills while I have the sword, and eventually upgrading that to just using her skills once I have the refresh. One of the biggest questions is how much refresh this should cost.

Right now, the group is at "Feet in the Water" and we'll be discussing this particular power and some other things about our characters sometime soon, but I'd like to get a little advice before then.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

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