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Topics - JohnCook

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Tapping aspects / spending chips in defense?
« on: June 28, 2012, 07:09:51 PM »
Hi.  Recently got the game, our group did creation night, and we made it to game three before a "hows does this work" thing broke out.

Here's the problem: can you spend chips and tap aspects when making your defense roll? The book seems unclear, but leaning to no.

The "no, you can" side points to the bit in spell casting where you work out all the steps you need, then add 4 for the highest defense roll possible.  If you can tap "I'm a wizard detective" for a +2 then the highest roll would be +6.  Most characters would have at least on aspect to tap so the highest posible defense roll would be +6 or +8.

The "yes you can" side says a roll's a roll and can be modified.

Who's right - and have we missed a second in the rules where this is covered?

Thanks for your help


Why do I have to enter a capa and answer a question when I post?

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