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Topics - Mattyg2787

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / First run at a character
« on: June 08, 2012, 11:51:07 AM »
Ok, so my mate is still trying to throw together a game but I'm also looking to play online as well.  I've had a good read through the first book and here is my idea I've thrown together for a pure mortal hunter

Name-Joey Drago
High Concept - Playboy Vampire Hunter
Trouble - Deep Scarring

Heir to an Empire
I've been everywhere man
Brother of the Blade
Edge of the underworld
(Last aspect TBA based on game world)

+5 - Weapons, Resources
+4 - Fists, Contacts
+3 - Guns, Driving
+2 - Athletics, Burgalry
+1 - Craftmanship, Deceit, Discipline, Alertness, Survival

-1 Riposte
-1 Document Forging
-1 Been There
-1 Lush Lifestyle
-1 Off Hand Weapon Training

History (And aspects)
Born as the only son of rich entrepreneurial family, Joseph spent his youth in the best of schools distant from his workaholic parents.  From a young age Joseph was groomed to take over his families business down the line.
Half way through his business degree in university, he finally got sick of it all and took off jet setting around the world.  After a couple of years of this, he found himself at a Akab Club in Rome.  As it was getting late (around 4am) he decided to head out.  On his way to the door he saw a few more people doing the same.  It was then he noticed the dark figures in the clubs door way.  They started changing into mutated looking bat things with knees bent the wrong way.  A woman let out a scream as they leaped down in an inhuman way and blood started splattering across the room.  After a few minutes of being completely paralyzed I ran for the bar and dived over looking for somewhere to hide.  Screams and gurgling cries filled the club mixed in with the club beats still playing.
Finally the screams stopped and he panicked.  The creatures growled through the club, sniffing for anything else.  One of the creatures leapt onto the bar and leaned over looking at the only survivor so far.  As it stuck it's head over, it opened it's mouth to reveal rows of teeth.  Joey jumped up running only to have one of the monsters land on him.  It begun tearing into his back pulling shreds of flesh off his back.  He tried to squirm away from it and ended up on his back.  The creature opened it's mouth and lifted it's head in a cry and stopped as a blade sliced through it's head letting it fall in Joey's lap.  A figure in a dark coat stood there, sword in hand watching the thing die.  The other two obviously saw what happened and came straight at the stranger with a roar.  Faster then people should be able to move, the figure threw his sword at one taking it clean through the neck while producing a large calibre pistol and opening up on the other one.  As the bullets hit they exploded into small bursts of flame slowing the monster until it ended up collapsing in pieces.  The figure calmly went and picked up his sword and begun to walk towards the door.  Joey called out to the stranger just before he blacked out.
He woke up later with bandages covering his chest and back in a dark room.  After trying to rise, he was introduced by the stranger who had saved his life.  He spent the next 2 years learning about the brotherhood and hunting monsters.  He trained with swords, knives, guns and unarmed combat.  After his 2 years were up, he was assigned to LA to watch over the area for any signs.
Over time, joey spend his time tracking down and following any strange killings, slowly hunting down anything that would hurt people.

-So this is my idea, I'm a terrible writer and I'm mostly sleep deprived trying to get it all on paper

Let me know your thoughts/ideas and whether this character would be legal.

DFRPG / Pure Mortals and Items of power
« on: June 07, 2012, 05:45:26 AM »
I've just finished reading the DFRPG front to back (couple of times) and I'm throwing together a character for a mates game.
It will be submerged power levels but I still want to play a pure mortal who has spent his life hunting things that go bump in the dark.
I was curious though, can a pure mortal carry an item of power(like a gun that actually hurts the stuff in this game?)
How would it work?

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