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Topics - V3N0M

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Author Craft / Promoting your work
« on: March 23, 2012, 07:42:12 AM »
Hi guys.  Ever since my fiancée bought me a copy of Storm Front for Christmas a couple of years back, I've been hooked!  She's really good at recommending books I'll love and she was spot on with Jim!

My fiancée has written a book which she has published on Kindle via  I was wondering if anyone has any tips or guidance on how best to promote it?  I personally think it's a great book, regardless of the fact that she wrote it.  It's a supernatural horror, based in and around Washington State, but I'd like to help her promote it to get it to as big an audience as possible.  She worked so hard on it and crafted such an awesome world and characters that I want as many people as possible to enjoy it. The link on my profile is the link to her amazon page for it in case you want to read the blurb (or hopefully buy a copy).  If anyone can suggest anything, I'd really appreciate it.


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