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Topics - celticdm

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DFRPG / Codex Alera Conversion for DFRPG
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:34:33 AM »

Alright, so in trying to introduce a friend’s wife to the joys of roleplaying, we were discussing the pros and cons of various rule-systems vis-a-vis their simplicity and lower learning curve for a newbie. The consensus was that DFRPG is slightly more complicated than the base NWOD rules, but easier than D20 systems like D&D 3.5 or 4th ed. We then moved on to adaptability, specifically how easily the DFRPG rules could be used for other familiar settings, such as Firefly, Conan, Ghostbusters, what have you. At this point, Friend says to Friend’s wife, “Yeah, we could probably play a game set in Codex Alera.”

Then my eyes got all shiney. This works especially well, since all three of us have read CA (I just finished my third time through recently). But this would require converting some DFRPG powers over to fit the furycrafting mechanics, since I don’t wait to wait for a published version at the moment. We’re sticking to furycraft at the moment, if the campaign gains some momentum we might look into rules for other races but for now we’re sticking to Alerans.

Now I heard that there was already a thread on this subject, but I couldn’t find it, so I’m starting a new one.

Here’s what I’ve got after a week of thinking and drafting. I would love comments on balance (should cost more or less refresh, should be split into more powers, should be combined, etc). But before commenting, please read all of the way through and read my comments after the power list, as I may address your concern.

All Alerans start with General Furycraft and at least one point of furycraft in a specific element.

General Furycraft
Description: As an Aleran, you have at least the slightest bit of strength in all six elements; this allows you to command furylamps on or off, utilize the earth furies of causeways, and otherwise interact with unbound fury-tech.

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