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Topics - Logiwonk

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DFRPG / Enchanted Gun?
« on: February 09, 2012, 10:29:49 PM »
So I'm gearing up to start my first DFRPG game with my group (we've played all 4E D&D up to this point with a brief flirtation with Mutants and Masterminds).  One of my plays is obsessed with the idea of enchanted guns.  I've told him three times now that it's a non-starter, that any enchantment you put on a gun would make it essentially unusable.  It would jam constantly at best and explode at worst.  I'm at the point where if he asks me one more time I'm going to give it to him...and he can deal with the consequences, which will include the gun malfunctioning.  I was also thinking about just making the gun weak - so if you have a Lore of 4 for example, you'd have to spend 2-3 shifts of that on containment wards to prevent the enchantment from interacting with the gun leaving you a total of 1 shift for whatever you want to enchant the gun to do.  Not to mention the risk of violating the first law by killing a person with a magic gun.  Thoughts?

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