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Topics - Polarbearguy90

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Autumn Hunter
« on: September 17, 2013, 07:41:20 PM »
So I am going to be playing in a game where the Autumn court exists. The idea is that the spring and autumn courts are stronger in places with strong ties to the season but nearly nonexistent elsewhere. So temperate places is where they operate. As to their goals or purpose I do not know yet. I am play what is functionally the Autumn knight, though its worded as "Hunter" so there could very well be others. What has happened in my characters background is that he is a hunter within the region it takes place. Hunters in this region are very common. The unusual thing about him is he is highly intelligent using more knowledge of science and behavior to hunt then most the other "hicks" of the area. This catches the eye of the fey court in the region. They approach my character and make an offer. Thinking he is dreaming he accepts(creating his trouble of "what did I get myself into).
       I have yet to have much interaction with the court and no almost nothing of the supernatural other then the dresden files books(which have been made as a dracula esque in purpose within this world). The trouble is that a wizard in the area cause a huge release of contained magic(in the form of artifacts) magic, once uncommon and hidden is coming to light all over the area and I was chosen to help in the situation(though the concept of help might be interesting given that I am called a hunter)My gm has declared that what falls under Autumn(abseelie) magic is  fear, rest, cold, the hunt, revelry, decay, air/storms. I may be facing a spring court counter part later on.
         My issue is I am looking for ideas for magic mainly idea for current or future rotes. I have a lore of 2 a conviction of 2 and a discipline of 3(waist deep level) My character over all is focused on Guns, Survival and scholarship.

DFRPG / Bringing magic into the 21st century
« on: March 15, 2013, 10:13:41 PM »
In a game I am planning for I have a rather interesting idea. I want to make a powerful force within the magical community that represents the rapid growth of technology within the mortal world. My initial idea is that a moderately able mortal, either just under or over the power level of a sorcerer, who before his talent manifested was raised in a very tech savy family. When using new gadgets become difficult he set out in order to change this. Over months of work and a newly built computer that has as much magic runes and groundings as it does circuitry. And this he now has a computer within that works within his presence. From here he designs a program that will allow him keep track of his own magical discoveries and information. He then decides to super power the computer by binding spirits of intellect(cousins of bob) and lightning into it. During the ritual, somethings goes wrong and causes a city block blackout. This will gain the attention of my players.
             When they investigate they will find the charred corpse of the sorcerer and the computer unplugged and undamaged, the magical radiation oozing out of it. When they turn it on it will run like a normal computer(without being plugged in). If they open the program, it will bring to life a new being, a spiritual child in a sense of the guy who made it and the spirits he tried to bind to it. What i have planned is as other stories go on, this program will function much like bob, except its learning everything and keeping track of it. It will also desire things from the players, except instead of romance novels, it asks for information, mostly cds and movies. Up to a point the computer wont be connected to the internet, it wont have inbuilt wifi and will likley be at the wizard players house. However it will start asking to connect. If the players ever let it, it will leave the computer in a sense and go wild on the net. From there I was thinking that being a spirit of information, the more information it has, the more powerful it becomes, and since it will be in a sense the first magical being able to interact in direct metaphysical way with technology it has free pickings of the internet and everything connected to it. I have ideas of it growing and to the point of being able to manifest outside of the devices it inhabits and go into the never never to claim its own territory. I think it could start reproducing in a sense by there spawning magical sub programs from is self as it grows or by making 'viruses' that can infect spiritual beings and converting them into lesser tech spirits.  To reflect the rapid rate technology changes and expands in our own world, this minor spiritual being will grow to fey queen size extremely quickly, within months to years. It create a territory of the never never thats connected with and reflects the internet,  phantom city, a hybrid of tron and bladerunner in appearance, where viral entities lurk in dark alley ways or disguised as helpful spirits, strands of random programming running amoke, playful spirits who lock the souls of mortals into eternal games, buying and sell of memories or other insubstantial things all through the computer screen. Antiviral spirits run around trying to bring order to the city to no avail.This all ruled by the first of its kind, a king/queen of hardware and software. I love to see order and established, set in its ways, systems thrown into chaos, and have a being come into rapid power and stealing away portions of the never never, and changing the fabric magic seems like a nice way to do this. So...thoughts, ideas, criticisms?

DFRPG / Magic Motorcycle
« on: March 09, 2013, 10:52:23 PM »
Okay, I am about to GM a DFRPG game for the first time. One of my players is a wizard biker, he want to eventually make a motorcycle that can run on its own(no gas) and may have a few magical functions such as leaving a trail of fire or being able to drive up walls, or shoot blasts from the headlight exct.. I thought it might be a cool idea to make the bike almost like Bob. The Old Harley would be a container for a spirit of fire and courage. How exactly could this be done?

DFRPG / A Cold Character Concept
« on: December 13, 2011, 03:08:24 PM »
Okay a few things, one I am interested but unfamiliar with the fate rules. I am a huge DF fan and would love to play in a game(however where I live there is no body interested and so far I have been unsuccessful in finding a online game). I do have some experience with role-playing games and find myself always coming up with ideas for characters. I have been reading the a bit of the DFRPG books and have come up with an ideas but unsure on how exactly they would be implemented. I would like to make a character based on one of the following ideas, a character who could maybe used some day in game if I ever find:

1st: I have an idea of a winter sorcerer. A child of someone with magical talent and a winter fae, he of course was a changeling. Later on he made the choice to be mortal, but after making the choice he started to develop a slight magical talent. Despite not being a fae anymore his slight magical seems to still have some connection to winter, capable of only calling magics of ice. Would this be expressed by just taking Unseelie magic? Would it be modifid since the magic is only coming from or should I just take say evocation with a focus on Ice.

2nd(sorta)Also either with this concept or maybe a different one, I like the idea of a oneiromancer. Someone Adept at lulling people to sleep then observing their dreams, maybe even putting himself asleep with them and entering and effecting thier dream. The reason I tie this to teh winter sorcerer is because I have read that sleep falls under winters domain. Could oneiromancy be done under unseelie magic, could it be done under normal magic(such as a spirit evocations or maybe thaumaturgy) and would it be breaking one of the laws of magic or just really close to it.

3rd: A polar werebear with a some slight magical talent. The idea is a combat focus character who focuses on ambush tactics, The idea of summoning up a small snowstorm then shifting to a great white bear, hitting his opponent fast and hard being hidden by the flurrys of snow.

The idea of the oneiromancer is the one I like best and if I can incorporate a winter theme without being too powerful(I am looking at being less tehn a submerged charater). If I can get away with entering dream I would take the form of a bear whilst in most dreams(see a theme here, I like polar bears :P)

Any help with mechanics or fleshing out the charater concept is greatly appreciated, I am big noob to how to go about this!

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