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Topics - qlawdat

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So I love the Dresden game.  The more I play it the more I love it.   Something that has been floating around in my head for a while is the idea of ranked aspects.  I ran a one shot for some people who had never played the game before, and the idea that all aspects, mechanically, did the same thing was a bit baffeling to some of them.  And I agree.  Why is tagging the aspect "incense" just as powerful as tagging the "silver inlaid summoning circle" when performing a summoning ritual?    Why does the aspect "focused" has just as much effect on my fireball spell as the aspect "erupting nearby volcano"?   Now I know that for Dresden the answer is "it just does, move on", and I am ok with that for the core game.  But some of my friends would like to use the system for other settings.

I do really like the idea of ranked aspects though.  Some aspects are more powerful than others.  So I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to tackle this.   Thanks!

DFRPG / Would like some help making a gun mage
« on: October 17, 2011, 12:49:01 AM »
I am playing in a dimension hopping game (think sliders) using the DFRPG and materials from the dresden resources website.  We are playing at the chest deep level.  I had an idea for a gun mage, and would love some help.  My thoughts so far are that he would take either Ritual (gun mage stuff) or thaumaturgy, and then refinement a few times for enchanted items..  Maybe a few gun related stunts.   My thought is that he would have a bunch of spells prepped ahead of time in his bullets, but only a limited about, hence the item route.

I have never made an item based character, so want to make sure my math is correct.    If I take ritual I would get 4 enchanted item slots, and assuming a lore of 5 I could make some of these items?  Oh, I know that there is a size limitation on items, my GM is allowing me to ignore this for the moment. 

A bullet that does a weapon 10 attack would cost 5 enchanted item slots?
A bullet that does a weapon 8 attack vs a zone would cost 5 EI slots? 
A bullet that does a defensive ability at a 10 defence would cost 5?
For the above a 10 is the max correct?

Using 1 EI slot I could increase the uses of all of the above to an extra use per session?  I am aware that you can take mental stress to get extra uses.

Once again thanks for any help.

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