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Topics - metrunui

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Okay i have a series of some homebrew potions that i would like to use in play for the game that is coming up. I have talked with a couple other people who play the game and I am looking for more opinions on them. I am looking to see if i have properly balanced out the potions or if i have under/overpowered them. Please, if you think i have made a mistake let me know, I look forward to your feedback. Keep in mind that the Trouble of the character that is going to be making them is "An Acceptable Risk", so i am trying to make them so that my ST can compel that aspect.

>> Dragon's Breath: Grants a fire evocation strike that has a Weapons score equal to Lore that is aimed by Discipline. Also places a temporary aspect on target based on fire. When potion is consumed the character MUST take a mild physical consequence.

>> Crocodile Tears: This potion grants the imbiber the temporary aspect of "Apparent Prey" for one scene. This is suggested as a plot device to be invoked by supernatural monsters, but mortal "monsters" are also an option.

>> Steeled Heart: This potion grants a bonus of half the makers Lore (Rounded down) to resist mundane and magical (Ex: Incite Emotion) uses of Intimidate for one scene.

>> Bottled Parkour: This potion allows a character to ignore up to *Lore* points of difficulty when moving between or through zones that are caused by physical objects (fences, doors, exc). This can be broken into smaller bonuses as needed. If the bonuses are not all used by the end of a scene the unused negations are lost.

>> Corrosion Ointment: The user of this potion smears it on their hands, and makes the natural acids on them extremely potent. With a successful Fists maneuver you place the temporary aspect of "Smeared with Acid" on a character. In the next number of turns equal to the Lore of the creator the target must roll Endurance to defend against an attack from the acid equal to your Lore minus one per exchange after the first. This subtraction happens regardless of the resolution of the prior Endurance defense(s). The user of this potion must take a mild physical consequense when they use the potion.

((Afternote to the Mods: If i have placed this in the wrong section i apologize, just move it and send me a pm as to where it has been moved please and thank you. ))

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