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Topics - SamSJester

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Elevator Pitch for the System
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:19:29 PM »
The task: What would your 5 minute elevator pitch for the Dresden Files version of Fate be to a new player.

Context: I'm curious for any answer, but here's some basic info on who I'm pitching the game to. He's familiar with, and liked the TV show, and the books from my ramblings. He's played RPGs before but only D&D and that at least five years ago. Other than that, standard PC gamer/geeky cred. I'm trying to describe the advantages of Fate without getting wrapped up in lingo too much (having to define refresh, fate points, aspects as minimally as possible... ideally without sounding like a glossary)

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