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Topics - stabbald

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DFRPG / Sherlock Holmes -- Unstuck in time
« on: March 15, 2011, 11:07:29 AM »
I'm thinking of creating a character that is very much inspired by Holmes, even down to the victorian origin. The idea would be that he solved a mystery for a faerie and asked the faerie for a rather unusual form of payment; to see the future. This he assumed would improve his detective abilities. Unluckily for him the faerie decided to twist his request, for maximum amusment. Instead of granting him some kind of supernatural ability, he merely used the time altering powers of certain areas of the Nevernever to dump Holmes into the present.

Thus he saw, and became stuck in, the future.

I love the idea for this character and it'd be fun to play someone who is so anachronistic but I can't for the life of me figure out how to make him. I'm guessing he would be mortal with a bunch of stunts (possibly some homebrew ones) but I'm hardly an expert with the rules. So I'm looking for help. Have any of you attempted to stat out Holmes? If so what did you guys come up with?


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