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Topics - MissMilkMaid

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DFRPG / First time RPer wants advise
« on: May 27, 2011, 04:28:24 AM »
So being completely in love with the Dresden Files, I brought the RPG even though I have never done this sort of RPing and don't know anyone who has. I'm familiar with the Desdenverse, having read all the books at least once and I'm familiar with story-telling, having written fanfiction. I have also done some cooperative story writing, so I know a bit on interactively working together to make a story. However, what I know nothing about are the mechanics, processes, rules and exceptions. I got both "Your Story" and "Our World" but they're so big I find it overwhelming, especially since I know a good deal of the information and am mostly trying to glean process/mechanics, which I think would be better done by talking to people who are RPers.

I got two of my sisters to agree to play with me and they're as big a noobs as I am. I'm the GM. I didn't have much trouble with the city sheets, but we are a little confused about the characters sheet and what stunts, powers and everything means. Emily just copied Harry's character sheet since she wanted to play him, but Mary is trying to makes a sheet for Dean Winchester, (yeah the guy from Supernatural,) and we weren't exactly sure what stunts and levels, aspects and concepts to use and how they are applicable. We read the sections in the book, but that's nothing like actually having experienced what "Superb" Presence mean in the RP.   

We played our first, uh session... (is that what it's called?) tonight and I think it went well enough, though I was little confused on how much the GM is suppose tell the players, what power I have and how I should be narrating the scenes.

Mostly I would just like general advise. Maybe people can point out some really obvious things RPers should know, but complete noobs are clueless about. Like, should all the PCs be at the same level? Harry's sheet has him at "Submerged" does that mean Mary needs to play Dean on the same level? What about the NPCs I'm playing? Do they have to have certain power levels and abilities on level with the PCs? I think we're on the right road, but I'd like some sign posts to make sure.

What I would really like is to have a game with an experienced RPer, does this work over computer? Maybe we can get involved in a games here.

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