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Topics - MadDogMike

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« on: October 28, 2010, 05:55:55 PM »
Had a question regarding Gard's stats from OW; she has Supernatural Recovery, but no Catch for it listed. For a valkyrie-style PC/NPC, what makes a good Catch for the power? My only thoughts are A. maybe something tied into fate/wyrd where someone "fated to kill you" can overcome it. Possibly an Aspect the GM can compel to satisfy the Catch at appropriate points? You'd either lose your supernatural resistance (but get Fate points) or spend a lot of Fate avoiding it, both of which are strong limitations on the ability and the Fate point gaining/spending gives a nice sort of accepting/fighting against fate flavor to the whole thing. Shouldn't be done EVERY fight obviously, but is fitting for some sort of specific nemesis-style enemy for the character (for bonus points, said nemesis has a similar Catch the PC/NPC satisfies as well). Or B. a more simple Gard-specific idea, given who she's descended from, venom makes a certain amount of sense given how said ancestor died. Or maybe mistletoe, if you want to channel THAT Norse myth ("No, don't kiss me under THAT!" ;D).

Apologies if this has been addressed in errata or something I missed; I also haven't gotten more than a glance at Side Jobs yet so I don't know if this was addressed in her short story either.

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