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Topics - Lorillomar

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / New GM (to DFRPG) with a question about rewarding players
« on: September 14, 2010, 06:39:29 PM »

Our D&D group will be starting a campaign in DFRPG this weekend, set in Baton Rouge where we live.  As a matter of fact, we are going to try an ankle-deep world where everyone plays themselves as pure-vanilla mortals.  Their actual, statted-out selves.  Should be an interesting way to get into the campaign.

Anyway, with a group full of vanilla mortals, I can't very well reward them with magic items, since they can't use them.  It is such an odd viewpoint for me, coming from a D&D mindset.  How do I keep their interest in the game?  If I don't progress the world to knee-deep and beyond (taking it very slow), and I can't reward them with magic items, how do I reward them after missions?  If I give them money, eventually they will have enough money that their Resources skill should reflect their newfound affluence, right?  After all, if they make a major drug bust (for example), and liberate a huge pile of cash, and invest it, they will have access to a much bigger income.  But if they don't raise their Resources skill, how is this reflected in the game?

Very confused,


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