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Topics - wildchicken

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DFRPG / Newbie Wizard
« on: September 11, 2010, 10:23:33 PM »
The RPG looks completely awesome. The problem I am having is of course with character creation. I am so used to the structured systems that when I come accross a very open system it is hard to know where to go.

The game we are running is at the Chest Deep power level. I am working on creating a gambler type wizard. Sort of a Gambit meets trickster sort of thing. I was thinking he would be the type of wizard that creates backdoor poker games with both the natural and supernatural playing for favors and magic(and money of course). I was thinking that one of his troubles could be that he can never back down from a bet.

There are a couple things that I would welcome any advice on:

*I am looking at the skills and its hard not to want to get as many superb skills as possible, the problem is that leaves very few other skills at a usefull level. Is it better as a wizard to have a few really awesome skills or a hundred medium skills?

*I want to flesh out my concept as much as possible since I feel that in this sort of game it is important to really know your background.

*What sort of niche could this character have in a party? We already have an information broker type of character. I will probably be the only wizard, but not the only magic practitioner.

*Rotes, evocations, and magic items oh my!(any ideas or suggestions)

*After reading the book it seems that if I want to be able to research and do thaumaturgy rituals of any level it will be important to invest in high resources so I can have a good library, am i interpreting this correctly?

Thank you

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