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Topics - Enokh

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Two questions: Blocks and the subtle side of Spirit
« on: August 08, 2010, 11:46:20 AM »
I've looked around a bit for this, both on the forums and in YS: If I were to put up a block by way a shielding spell with a duration of, say, 4 exchanges, my action would be tied up for the first exchange (from casting the spell), but could I still roll Athletics/Fists/Weaponry to defend against attacks while my shield is up? If so, how does this work? I rather imagine it doesn't work unless you use the Armor version of such spells, but I figured I'd ask.

And now for the second: I'm gearing up for my very first Dresden game (very first Fate game, as well!) and I'm having trouble thinking of spells for the subtle side of Spirit. I've already got the whole Veil bit, and am stealing Hyperawareness example spell from YS. I've also read about someone's idea for a Zone of Truth (making it easier for you to detect people lying). Other than that, I'm drawing a complete blank, and would love people's opinions and suggestions on the matter.

Side question: Are you able to attack someone's Mental or Social stress track with Spirit (or any other magic) without breaking one of the Laws?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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