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DFRPG / Mapping the (San Francisco) Nevernever
« on: July 23, 2010, 07:08:04 PM »
Hey all, first time posting, short time lurker :p

Anyway, thought I would drop this in here as my first post - a little something I started working on last night...

...wondering what your thoughts are, those of you much much more familiar to Dresden Files than myself (which would be most people). I bought the RPG books simply based on the good feedback I was hearing. After reading through some of it, I decided to try and get a game going - something for my current D&D players during off-days. Anyway, we have yet to play - we've gotten together twice to go over the rules and begin formulating character ideas, etc.

So that's what I made the map for. We have decided to play in SF and I really like the idea of the Nevernever as a place you could spend a lot of time adventuring in.

I am curious though - what is your approach to the NN?

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