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Topics - BlackDog42

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DFRPG / were-form character build
« on: July 23, 2010, 06:57:18 PM »
So a friend and i were debating about the build for a were-form:

"In addition, the following supernatural powers must be taken:
      Beast Change [–1] (page 174) Echoes of the Beast [–1] (page 163) Human Form [+1] (page 176) At least two refresh points’ worth of abilities from the options list below. The Beast Change ability allows the player to restructure his skills when in animal form. This second skill configuration should be worked out before play begins. See page 174 for details. Options: The character may take up to two of these abilities—Inhuman Recovery [–2] (page 185), Inhuman Speed [–2] (page 178), Inhuman Strength [–2] (page 183), or Inhuman Toughness [–2] (page 185)—so long as those abilities are in sync with the animal form he assumes. Similarly, abilities may be taken from the Creature Feature category (page 162) or the Minor Ability category (page 169) if they can be shown to be a part of the creature’s natural advantages."

So to me, i see that as you NEED to take: beast change, echoes of the beast, human form, and one of (Inhuman Recovery, Inhuman Speed, Inhuman Strength, or Inhuman Toughness). beyond that you may take more based on the refresh you have left.

He says you can use the minor talents or creature feature category to fullfill the "At least two refresh points’ worth of abilities from the options list below" requirement.

How have you all been doing it? or how would you do it?

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