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Topics - TheWalkingEye

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Jim Butcher and Fred Hicks interviewed on The Walking Eye
« on: November 10, 2010, 09:04:18 PM »
Hey everybody,

We just posted our interview with Jim Butcher and Fred Hicks.

It was a lot of fun to talk to these two together. They swap some oldschool gaming stories, talk about the challenges of the DFRPG, and get in a few talking points. :)


DFRPG / DFRPG Reviewed on The Walking Eye Podcast
« on: October 27, 2010, 01:56:36 PM »
Hey everybody,

Just dropping in to let y'all know we've posted our review of the Dresden Files RPG up at The Walking Eye:

Shock of shocks, we liked it quite a bit. There's a bit of talk about aspects we like (such as Aspects) and a few minor quibbles about the character creation process and the probability spreads of FATE dice.

For those interested, we also have 5 sessions of Actual Play recorded, covering City Creation, character creation, and 3 sessions of narrative play: <-- This link will also lead you to an interview w/ Ryan Macklin and Lenny Balsera from earlier in the year. We're working on getting schedules aligned for an interview with Jim Butcher and Fred Hicks, we'll keep ya posted!

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