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Topics - Kowandz

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Looking for ideas
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:16:00 AM »

If you want to learn about the world and the details, they are in the wiki.  I have to finish putting in the details but we finished the first story a week ago.  The first story was mostly about Gene and Phillipe, not so much about Joscelin and Celeste.  I have a crazy story line about a fairy cat that tricks, marries, impregnates, and then kills noble french girls and is loosely based on Puss in Boots (almost every fairy tale you know comes from France, should make later stories fun).  That story line is meant for Celeste, she is the social beast in the group, so fairies will be fun for her character.  The potential victim is Celeste's cousin.  The other story line I want to be more for Joscelin's character, His dad has three wives and a ton of kids, and I can see where a sorcerer might have ideas for the use of a were-wolverine's child. What kind of ritual might some sorcerer try to use a were creatures child for.  I'm sure the sorcerer believes that were is a condition, not a magic trick of sorts, and is going off that in designing a ritual.  Or he might have gotten a ritual from something else.  I want to understand the crime before I start to make the criminals.

Any ideas on why a sorcerer would kidnap a were-wolverine's child?

DFRPG / Have fun with this high concept for me please
« on: April 02, 2011, 07:08:38 PM »
I have a campaign going on in set in Boston.  We really just started and are getting through my first story now.  I've been trying to figure out where to go with the second story, and I want to set two of the PC's slightly at odds.  One is a WCV vigilante who likes to kill bad people when he can get away with it.  One of the others is a Holy Warrior doing God's bidding.  I figure a supernatural serial killer is a great device to get the plot rolling between them (I told them I would set them at odds when they made their characters, and they were cool with it)

I want the fairies to play a fairly important part in the campaign, so I want to go with a crazy Changeling for my serial killer.  I'm brain-farting on ideas that don't seem cliche to me, and I need to get writing the islands for my story.  We will finish the first story next week and then I need to be ready to run the serial killer story.   I figured the concept would be something that someone could have some fun with so.....Fire away please, I'd love to see what people come up with.  Shoot for about 10-12 refresh with the character, once I have a crazy I can fit him into my city.  Thanks

DFRPG / oracle of Apollo
« on: June 13, 2010, 07:50:10 AM »
One of my PCs wants to be a modern oracle of Apollo.  I need to figure out what abilities they would have, and which aspects of Apollo are the most fitting in a modern setting.  What would the god of sun, music, and healing(plague) want in modern times?  Cassandra's tears are not suitable for an oracle either, they don't quite go far enough.  As part of the high concept I figure I can compel the aspect to trance out the PC in some situations.  The character can come back in the next scene with a bit of new information to help out.  I figure that I should make some of the info cryptic to counter the fact that it's prophecy and that free will means that prophesy is merely likely and not set in stone.  Any ideas on a template level would be very welcome.

DFRPG / Hotlanta, GA
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:03:10 PM »
Welcome to the city of Atlanta, Ga.

The first step in city creation is to identify 3 themes or threats in the city.

idea1: Atlanta served as the effective capitol of the Southern US back to the days of slavery and succession and harbors many old hatreds. While in mortals the animosity is receded some, old mind cling to old hatreds. In the city of Atlanta cultural mistrust is elevated. Mortals in the know tend to be less likely to trust anything supernatural, and even the two families of white court vampires can't work together for any length of time.
Theme: You MIGHT be all right, but I don't really trust your kind.

idea2: Cities tend to rise up in places of power. There used to be a confluence right where the center of the city is now, but it receded a long time ago(several centuries at least). The N-S ley line along 75/85(interstate) has been there all along, but an old ley line running E-W has started to rise up again along I-20 and a confluence is gaining power right smack in the middle of the city. If all that nonsense with highways and ley lines isn't enough, then just for your personal amusement my I introduce 285. 285 is a big freaking circle of a highway around the city. People in the city call it the perimeter. Where you live is described as inside or outside the perimeter. This just has to mean something.
Theme: Rising Power

idea3: Someone shot the warden. Right through the back of the head. They got the drop on a guy that grew up the child of slaves. The warden in Atlanta was a bad motha and kept the city power structure in check. Everyone wants to further their agenda, but NOBODY knows who killed the warden. The timing is awfully convenient, with that new confluence and all. The death looks like a simple mugging, but there is NO way a mortal mugger could get to the warden without outside help.
Threat: Power vacuum

I've also created a few NPC's to help populate the city.  The campaign will probably start at the wardens funeral.  Just need my PC's to get caught up to me so we can make their characters before I can start writing actual stories for them. 

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