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Topics - kriztoph

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Spellcating Question
« on: May 17, 2010, 11:35:22 AM »
I have a question about attack evocations.

Say I have a conviction of 5 and a discipline of 5.

Also I have a specialization in offensive control on the element I’m attacking with.

Also I have a focus item that gives me a +2 offensive power and a +1 offensive control of the element I’m attacking with

Also it is a rote spell.

So I set the power at 7
5 (skill) + 2 (focus) = 7

Now I attack my target using discipline.
5 (skill) + 1 (focus) + 1 (specialization) = 7

Say I roll zero and the target rolls his athletics and gets a total of 3.

73 = 4 shifts  + 7 power = 11 physical damage.

I take 1 mental damage

Is this correct?

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