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Topics - McConaughey1984

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Elements
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:03:11 PM »
 OK this has been bothering me for some time and I thought I might make a post so here goes. The DFRPG books seem to make it an important point that you are restricted to three elements for evocation (you can only add elements with the purchase of the refinement ability) and one for channeling but you can accomplish any effect with any element. Now I don't advocate people with channeling should not be able to do effect because they don't have the right element. I do feel like there should be some way of differentiating the elements other than the game fluff( like the difference mentioned about how a water shield uses entropy to stop an attack and a fire shield uses heat to burn away the attack and so on). In other types of games I would suggest just adding a small bonus of some sort to each element( like a +1 to damage for fire or something). The problem here is that even a +1 bonus is a big deal in DFRPG. So any thoughts?

DFRPG / Glamours
« on: May 24, 2010, 11:16:42 PM »
Hey I just wanted to see if I could get a consensus or perhaps a ruling from the designers, I,m in a game and one of my fellow PCs has glamours that he used to veil an object. The GM wanted him to mark off a mental stress like with evocation ( I'm playing a wizard so the GM just finished boning up on magic rules) My friend said that in the description of Glamours it does not say it requires a mental stress ( we looked at the description and it does not YS 166) but it is still quick magic. for the moment we just moved on but we would like to see what the designers/other players think.

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