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Topics - Auronculari

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DFRPG / Spitballing re: a Codex Alera RPG
« on: March 31, 2010, 03:54:03 PM »
Fair warning to those still reading: much of this is spoiler-y, since it all builds on the end of First Lord's Fury.

Lately, I've had the idea of a Codex Alera RPG in mind rather strongly. So I've been working to develop a system and setting for it, to make it into something very much in keeping with the tone of the books but also new enough to be interesting for those already familiar with the series. I'd like to spitball some of the ideas I've got and see what y'all think.

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As far as the system goes, I think it would be best to do something entirely novel to try to capture the 'feel' of Alera better. I've been kicking around ideas for a composite system that's level-oriented but also based on White Wolf's 5-dot Attribute/Skill setup, although I've labored under the assumption that Mental and Physical would be the only categories. 6 Attributes per category - one tied to each element - would form the basic strengths and weaknesses of a character, while their learned skills would be defined by 18 different skills (9 each in Mental and Physical). Additional powers would come from one of three places: fury-crafting, class skills, and racial skills. Everyone would have the ability to Furycraft (though Alerans would be categorically better at it), provided that they had the right furies at their command. 8 character classes (Warrior, Soldier, Diplomat, Performer, Rogue, Hunter, Artisan, Scholar) would each get 1 signature skill that they could add to the sheet, which would give them special maneuvers and such related to their class's purpose. Racial abilities would break down to things like the Chala bond or Canim sorcery, each of which would provide new tricks signature to that race.

Each time a character gained a new level, one of their furies or their chala would also gain a level. This way, they get increasing advantages from their furies/chala over time, and there is a differentiation made between the paganus ways of steadholders (who often only have 1-2 furies of high level) and the more cosmopolitan furycrafters (who often have many furies, each of which is lower level), while the marat's chala grows in power right beside them.

I haven't figured out the details yet, obviously, but I've been kicking the idea around for a bit and it seems fun. What do y'all think?


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