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Topics - Ancalagon

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DFRPG / Harry in the RPG - blenderizing the fourth wall?
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:15:16 AM »

So the "twist" of this Dresden Files RPG is that it is being written by the characters of the Dresden Files (notably, Billy and Harry, with Bob and others chipping in).  In the novels, this has been attempted before (by Bram Stoker) and it had a devastating effect on the Black Court.

... so... will the RPG have an impact on the novels?  Will gamer geeks chase red court vampires out of town?  Will the Merlin try to have Harry expelled for revealing precious secrets?   Will Harry play the RPG with the Alpha and complains about erratas?   Will the Denarians try to burn down Evil Hat's office?


DFRPG / the Dresden Files in a Government Town
« on: February 23, 2010, 02:59:35 AM »

I'm going to talk about Ottawa here, but really what I'm about to say would apply to Washington DC as well (or London, Paris, any National capital).

The assumption in the Dresden files so far is that the government knows little, if any, about the supernatural.  This is made somewhat easy by the novels being located in Chicago - ie NOT the national capital.

However, I'm planning on running my game in Ottawa - Canada's capital.  If there is any sort of government agency, awareness or anything - even if it's pretty limited - it's going to have quite an impact in Ottawa itself, and therefore on how the game is run. 

If anyone has any advice on running the game in "Government Town", I'm all ears :)

DFRPG / Aspects, Compelling and Roleplaying
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:52:36 AM »

I hope this hasn't been already covered.  If so, I apologize. 

So I've been thinking about this Aspect part of the game, and how it is important.  I see that the better aspects are those with both a good and bad side - something as simple as "HULK SMASH!" would work quite well.

This isn't the first system to have a "disadvantage" aspect.  In Hero, it is seriously beneficial to take disadvantages to get more points.  But a lot of the disadvantages are story or role-playing related (as opposed to other system, where people create munchkiny hunched-back diabetic club footed monstrosities of characters).  And that was ok - the disadvantages were mostly character creation tools really.

When we were playing, we noticed that we rarely had to "roll" for these during play (as in the GM saying "roll to see if you lose your temper"), as the players would just roleplay their characters faults along with the good.   So to me, if I have a PC with "hulk smash" as an aspect, the GM shouldn't have to compel me to lose my temper - as a good roleplayer, I should have my PC lose his temper anyway!

So... how does it work?  Should the GM hand out fate points every time a player roleplays the negative aspects of his PC? 

DFRPG / going off the beaten path and then new books
« on: February 16, 2010, 12:58:47 AM »

I'm going to use the jade court here, but really, this example applies to almost anything.

So, the game master decides that he wants to surprise the group with something new - not from the book, and introduces the Jade court, and the PC have to deal with them (fight, negociate, whatever).  (or it could be voodoo zombies, gnomes of zurich, dragons, whatever).   The system is flexible, the game master is creative, the players have a great time, and everyone is happy.  So much so that the jade court/etc become a regular feature of the game.

Then Jim releases a book where the Jade court/etc is heavily features, and it's completely different! 

This problem is in no way unique to The Dresden Files (Forgotten Realms, I'm looking at you!) but I would still like to hear people's comments and advice on the issue...

DFRPG / Healing... nothing more than healing
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:10:09 AM »

Given how I've accidentally hijacked the other thread, I thought perhaps I should start a new one instead of hijacking it *again*  :-[

But it is an important topic anyway!

How does healing work in the Dresden Universe?  Can magic do it? 

DFRPG / Two questions about spellcasters: were-wizards and alchemists
« on: February 08, 2010, 02:29:54 AM »

I have two questions.

1:  Can a supernatural being also be a spellcaster?  For example, could a were-fox be a sorcerer as well?  Can a white court vampire be a focused practitioner on top of being a vampire?  Could a rabbi (true believer) also be a kabala master?  Or do the mystical powers "muddle" one another?

2:  This is a comment/question about the focused practitioner.  I once played an alchemist a long time ago in a Gurps game with a home brewed magical system, that was pretty open ended.  Although being an alchemist was supposed to limit me, by being fairly creative, my character ended up being able do do almost anything he wanted.  I want to heal?  Healing potion.  I want to attack someone?  Greek fire.  I want to snoop around?  Invisibility potion.  Etc etc.  Anyway, all this to say that a focus on a *method* of magic (as opposed a type of magic) isn't always such a limit.  Mind you, if you don't have the proper potion handy, you're kinda screwed... So anyway, would this be "OK" in the system, or would this be abusive? 



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