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Topics - cacuin

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DFRPG / El Paso/Juarez
« on: July 11, 2010, 04:43:36 PM »
So yesterday I started my first game. I had a great time making the city and helping the Player make their characters.
Here is some of the things we did with it.
The board between:To signify the importance of the boarder between U.S.A. and Mexico, I also said the there is a boarder between Winter and Summer here in the Never Never.
Old faith: This is because the oldest still used churches for each country is in each of these towns. Both were made in the 1600s so just a little bit of faith has been stored up here. Also can be used to invoke native American magics too.
Cartels at war: Come on, with the death toll in the area from the cartel fighting  it's just too prefect of a reason to have the place swarming with reds.

The locations of importance.
Fort Bliss: US Army Military base. Second largest military base with 1,700 square miles of area. Known for having a large maneuvers facility for both live fire and simulated round and being the training base for missile defense team. It is also home to the Department of Occult Management (D.O.O.M.). A S.I. like federal task force.
Aspect: More then just the military.
Face Agent Jefferies:

Mission Ysleta/Mission de Guadalupe
One of the oldest continuously use churches in the US. Was founded in 1692 and an equally old church for Mexico.
These weren't fleshed out due to the main religious character not being able to be there. 

The Dinner El Salvador
All night diner in a middle class area of El Paso. Accorded Neutral Ground.
Faces Teri(bartender), Claire(Cook), Natalie(head waiter) Three cousins who own the place.

Zin Valle Winery
Local renowned winery that is often the host of high end events for the culture elite.
Aspect: Wine and plots.
Face John Bishop. WCV who holds grudges.

Zona Pronaf
District in Juarez filled with trendy clubs, high end shops and restaurants.
There is also a dungeon fetish club run by Domina Divantra
Aspect: Fun and feeding for all.
Face: Domina and Larry.

Parque Xtremo
The largest extreme park in Latin America.
Home of the North America's best roller derby arena
Aspect where all kinds go for action.

Rio Grande
River boarder between the US and Mexico. Four major bridges and one passenger rail line cross it.
Aspect Boarder between the Realms.
Face Rill an exceptionally tall and powerful river troll(confined to the river not just the bridge). Is known to be the leader of a group of neutral fae.

The Brink: A mental hospital built into an old quarry. This is a place of power where lay lines seem to come together.
Aspect: Something dark in the basement.
Face Zack Taylor. He isn't the guy in charge, but he has a lot of influence on the things that go on there.

The PCs:
Were decided that with all the threats the red court is in the area that it could be a place that would be able to handle a full submerged group.
Chandler Blairington 4th. Is a pure mortal. He is a defrosted 1920 pulp hero. Being frozen in the fae for so long seems to have made him slightly crazy. He is focused on wealth, fists, and investigation. He is defiantly having a hard time dealing with the time shock.

Ingrid: A white court vampire virgin. She is researcher by day, roller derby brute by night. She focused on athletics, might, fists, and scholarship with powers of speed and toughness.

Juan Carlos Ramirez: a Minor talent who world walks. He is a transporter of questionable good who knows just about everyone he could want to know. Focused on Contacts and social abilities.

Domina Divantra-White court vampire who heads her own small clan. She is sister to Ingrid and is the definition of S+M Goddess. She focuses equally on combat and social defense with the standard WCV powers. She hates the reds because of past misdeeds.

There will be one-3 more players joining the game next session. One of the players will be a priest with sponsored soulfire magic. 

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