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Topics - Erenthia

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DFRPG / Having trouble with character creation
« on: November 21, 2012, 03:47:59 AM »
Ok. I am not new to rpgs.  I've played D&D, WoD, Exalted, and others...but for some reason this system is really kicking my ass.  To be fair, I haven't had a lot of time to dive into it, but I still feel that I should understand it better than I do. 

So I'm trying to create a sorcerer (and a fairly powerful one) who has no facility for Evocation.  Instead he has two basic tricks.  One is that he's a damn prolific potion/item creator.  The other is that his bloodline goes back to good old-fashion flying monks.  But rather than being able to use those abilities all the time, I was hoping to give him a rote spell that let him invoke increase speed, toughness, super-jumping, etc but I don't really know the system well enough to stat that.  (And I can't find mobility related powers anywhere other than wings).  Basically the (mechanical) concept here is that he's even more about preparation than a wizard. 

I'll check in on this thread tomorrow.  Unfortunately I can't stay up any later.


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