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Topics - Kayden

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Author Craft / Question on marketablility of location.
« on: September 07, 2009, 11:30:24 AM »
Quick question Ladies & Gents - need some opinions.

I'm currently working on a UF novel, and I'm a little uncertain in regards to where I'm planning on setting the story.
I live in Melbourne, Australia and the question I'm wrestling with is whether to set the story locally or on whether to place it in a U.S city.
From what research I've been able to manage, when it comes to UF books, almost all are based in the U.S, with an occasional story taking place in the UK.
I've only managed to find 1 widely published series set in Aus, so I want to gather opinions on whether a series set here is likely to be marketable, or whether I should set it in the U.S.

Any ideas much appreciated :)

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