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Topics - MiniMagus

Pages: [1]
So some how all of my players and I had missed the rule that you can only tick off one stress box at a time.

Our combats have tended to involve a lot of maneuvers to set up aspects with free invocations but I'm struggling to see how you get the space to do that when you can't tick of multiple stress boxes at once to mitigate early instances of damage.

It isn't hard for a wizard to have access to a rote with a targeting of 5/6 and a weapon value of 3. How does anyone survive long against that?

Should I be putting more emphasis on the players doing research or set up before combat to get access to temporary aspects from the off?

I'm concerned that if we start dealing with stress and consequences as written, the player builds will start to become focused on spike damage, weapon values and anything else that bumps those attack rolls at the expense of declarations and create an advantage actions.

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