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Topics - zenten

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DFRPG / Does The Sight work through binoculars?
« on: September 07, 2011, 04:20:10 PM »
I see this being relevant in my next session.

DFRPG / Do Denarian wizards hex technology?
« on: September 07, 2011, 01:53:47 PM »
The PCs in my game will be spying on the place that Tessa is staying in the city, and I want to see if she would have all sorts of modern conveniences there or not.

DFRPG / Tell me about Tessa
« on: August 27, 2011, 05:11:47 PM »
So it's been awhile since I've read the books she's in, and I've kind of gotten her mixed up in my head with the other psychotic magic using women in the books.  I'm using her in my game right now, and I want to get her personality right (I've already got stats for her that I got from the board here).  Suggestions for her aspects would also be appreciated.

DFRPG / Weapon ratings for flashbangs and tear gas
« on: August 26, 2011, 07:02:06 PM »
So, what would the rules be for these?

I get that I should be using the rules for "Special-Effects Attacks" on page 326.  I also think they should be affecting a large area (and the roll to hit basically means nothing).  But what would the "damage" for them be (as in the roll to overcome)?  And would the tear gas be something that you have to keep on rolling against when you succeed, until you leave the area?

DFRPG / Need to stat up high end, clued in mercinaries
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:33:53 PM »
So for my next game the big bad will have hired some mercinaries to deal with the PCs (and a lawyer to talk to them).  They won't necessarily be shooting at the PCs, but that could easily happen if negotiations go south.  What I'm not sure is what stats to give the mercs.  The PCs are pretty powerful (11 base refresh, 43 skill points) and are good at working together.  I also have a tendancy to understat the bad guys.  So I'm wanting to go all out with what sort of merc group could be hired by someone with a *lot* of money and a *lot* of connections.

DFRPG / New Power: Evocation Powers
« on: August 26, 2011, 02:37:00 AM »
So here's my idea for a power I came up with that lets you emulate Listens to Wind, Corpstaker, among other practitioners who do Evocation effects that look more like other powers.  Let me know what you think, and especially if you have any suggestions for a better name.

Evocation Powers [-0]
Description: This allows you to channel a power through your own magical techniques.
Musts: You must have Channelling or Evocation of an appropriate element or theme for the power in question.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction.
With Evocations Power: You have one or more supernatural abilities which can be cast as Evocation or Channelling effects.  You must choose which power(s) are affected by this at time of purchase, each power is a separate spell.  The power can make use of the power of the evocation and the control of the evocation.  You may use evocation bonuses and foci bonuses available for the element for this.  Which applies to which aspect of the power (if any) should be decided with the GM Evocation Powers is taken.  This also allows you take powers that are not normally available for your High Concept.
With Evocations Limitations: Activating the power must be done with a normal Evocation, meaning it takes one exchange, costs at least one point of stress, and only lasts for one exchange unless shifts of power are devoted to duration, at one shift per exchange.  The power may be used on the same exchange that the spell is cast.

DFRPG / 7th law violations and non-spellcasters
« on: August 23, 2011, 09:34:40 PM »
So, the PCs in my game are getting close to learning stuff about Old Ones and Outsiders.  The question is, what would happen if they did, both in terms of the Lawbreaker power and the wardens.

I know what would happen with the focused practioner.  It's the others that I'm less sure of.

One is a changeling daughter of a high ranking sidhe of the Winter Court.

One is a Knight of the Cross.

One is an RCMP constable (working with a secret taskforce that deals with supernatural crimes), pure mortal template.

One is an emessary of power of a freeholding lord.

One is an ex-biker, also pure mortal template (although who knows how long now that he has a Denarian coin).

The last is a Daoist with a bunch of faith powers.

DFRPG / 7th law violations and non-spellcasters
« on: August 23, 2011, 09:34:39 PM »
So, the PCs in my game are getting close to learning stuff about Old Ones and Outsiders.  The question is, what would happen if they did, both in terms of the Lawbreaker power and the wardens.

I know what would happen with the focused practioner.  It's the others that I'm less sure of.

One is a changeling daughter of a high ranking sidhe of the Winter Court.

One is a Knight of the Cross.

One is an RCMP constable (working with a secret taskforce that deals with supernatural crimes), pure mortal template.

One is an emessary of power of a freeholding lord.

One is an ex-biker, also pure mortal template (although who knows how long now that he has a Denarian coin).

The last is a Daoist with a bunch of faith powers.

DFRPG / Sponsored magic and the death curse
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:38:08 AM »
So this past game the PCs killed someone using sponsored magic (Old Ones), but she managed to get off her death curse first (which the pure mortal PC target managed to dodge).  So my question is, was that within canon?  Can someone using sponsored magic (and only sponsored magic) use a death curse?  I'm not going to change what happened if it's not, but I'm curious.

DFRPG / How do white council wizards resolve disputes between them?
« on: August 19, 2011, 12:21:33 AM »
Say you're a wizard of the white council.  Something of yours of great value was stolen, using magic.  You have good reason to believe it was another white council member, and you're pretty sure who.  The theft did not involve violating any of the seven laws of magic however.

What recourse can you take?

DFRPG / Making diamonds
« on: August 19, 2011, 12:10:09 AM »
So the thaumaturgy difficulty can be based on the difficulty to do something mundanely.  People can now make diamonds, of good enough quality to sell for jewlery.  So what difficulty is that?  And as the technology improves and it gets easier to do this does that make doing so with thaumaturgy easier?

Site Suggestions & Support / testing something
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:28:18 PM »
Iago wanted to know if I can still edit the replies other people make in threads I start from the mobile site.  So, someone please reply to this, and I will try to edit it.

DFRPG / Seventh law violations for outsider sponsored magic
« on: August 05, 2011, 02:21:40 PM »
So if someone has Outsider sponsored magic, would they be violating the seventh law for the lawbreaker power everytime they cast a spell?  For this please just assume that such a character *can* get the lawbreaker power.

DFRPG / Handling detecting lies
« on: August 03, 2011, 12:38:02 AM »
So, some of the PCs in my game have high Empathy scores, and like to use them to tell when people are lying.  Thing is, if the person is resisting, the player will know, because I'm using a roll to resist.  Yes, they can separate in character and out of character knowledge, and yes they still have to figure out exactly what the truth is, but I think things would be more fun if they didn't know if there is a lie at all out of character without a successful roll.

Any ideas on how to accomplish that?

DFRPG / What does Outsider sponsored magic look like?
« on: July 24, 2011, 04:04:26 PM »
I'm thinking of introducing an NPC with magic sponsored by an Outsider.  What would it look like?  I'm specifically thinking about a long distance killing spell done through a symbolic link right now.

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